Import a shared dashboard

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |    |  

ArcGIS GeoPlanner dashboards can be shared with a project or template. A dashboard that has been shared with a project is accessible to project team members. At any time, a project team member can import a shared dashboard into their version of the project. A dashboard that has been shared with a template is accessible to any project created from that template. At any time, you can import a shared dashboard from the template your project was created from.

The following workflows describe how to import a dashboard.

Import a dashboard from a project

GeoPlanner is a collaborative tool that allows you to share items with project team members. Each GeoPlanner project includes a project web map. Each time a team member joins a project, the project web map is copied to that member's my content directory in their ArcGIS organization. No team member uses the original project web map directly. Each team member works on their own copy of the project and the project web map.

There are two reasons to import a dashboard from a project:

  1. You want all project team members to use the same KPIs.
  2. You want to replace or merge your current dashboard with the dashboard that has been saved to the project.

In both circumstances, the workflow is the same. You open the dashboard and use an import utility to pull the project dashboard into your version of the GeoPlanner project.

Before you can import a dashboard from a project, a dashboard must be shared with that project.

In the following steps, you learn how to import a dashboard that was shared to a project.

  1. Log in to GeoPlanner and open the project.
  2. On the toolbar on the map, click the Dashboard button.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow on the dashboard's title bar and choose Import New Items.
  4. In the Import Dashboard dialog box, choose one of the following options and click Import from Project.
    • Merge items into my current dashboard—Adds KPIs from the shared dashboard into the current dashboard. Existing charts and gauges are not overwritten.
    • Completely replace my current dashboard—Overwrites the current dashboard and replaces it with the shared dashboard.
      Import Dashboard

Import a dashboard from a template

GeoPlanner projects are created from templates. A template is a group, web map, and feature service. The feature service has attributes, default values, and symbols specific to an industry, standard, or domain.

GeoPlanner templates can also contain a dashboard. New projects created from a template that contains a dashboard will have all the gauges, charts, and data referenced by the charts added to the project by default. You can also import a dashboard into a project created from a template that contains a dashboard.

In the following steps, you learn how to import a dashboard that was shared to a template.

  1. Create a new GeoPlanner project from the template that contains a shared dashboard.
  2. On the toolbar on the map, click the Dashboard button.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow on the dashboard's title bar and choose Import New Items. The Import Dashboard dialog box appears.
    Import dashboard from template
  4. In the Import Dashboard dialog box, choose one of the following options and click Import Template.
    • Merge items into my current dashboard—Adds KPIs from the shared dashboard into the current dashboard. Existing charts and gauges are not overwritten.
    • Completely replace my current dashboard—Overwrites the current dashboard and replaces it with the shared dashboard.