The Branch Version Management widget allows end users to manage the versions of branch versioned datasets. The widget provides the ability to switch versions, view and edit version information, and choose from different management capabilities such as create, assign, and delete versions. Changes made in this widget affect data across your app, so other widgets that use the same services display corresponding versions. If the widget is configured to allow creating new versions in a service, the new versions are also evident in the service when accessed in other apps, such as ArcGIS Pro.
Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:
- You want to allow users to change the active version for layers in all the widgets that use the same layers in your app.
- You want to allow users to create, modify, and delete versions in feature services that work with branch versioned datasets.
Usage notes
When you add a Branch Version Management widget, first select an arrangement style for the widget. This widget requires at least one data source (feature service or map service, registered as versioned). You can use this widget on a page with or without a displayed map. Currently, switched versions are only reflected in other widgets that are configured using the same feature service.
The widget supports subtype group layers, but you cannot connect individual subtype sublayers.
If you add more than one Branch Version Management widget to your app, ensure that they don't point to the same service.
For each data source, you can choose which version to load on start. With the Advanced arrangement style, you can also specify the version information that's available and visible and which version management capabilities to allow in the widget.
It's recommended that you add this widget to a Widget Controller when using the Advanced arrangement style so users open the widget by clicking a button first.
For services published at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later, the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension is required to delete and alter branch versions.
The Branch Version Management widget includes the following settings:
- Arrangement style—Choose how
to display the widget and which version management capabilities to include.
- Basic—Provide a simple version switcher that shows version name and owner and has no version management capabilities.
- Advanced—Provide a version switcher with configured version information and version management capabilities.
- Version management
services—Select one or more data sources with versions to view and manage in the widget. The data source must be a feature service or map service that works with branch versioned datasets.If you add multiple services, use the arrows to reorder them. The service listed at the top will load on start. Configure version settings for each by selecting a service and setting the following options in the side panel that appears:
Currently, the widget only supports services hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise. Services that support branch versioning can be added as a data source to an app by adding the service REST endpoint (URL) directly in the builder. You can also create an item in your ArcGIS organization that links to the ArcGIS Server web service (from My Content > Add item > URL) without storing the credentials, and use this as a data source for the Branch Version Management widget.
- Select a version to load on
start—Choose which version to load on start for
the selected data source. If this version is deleted after the configuration of the widget, the version to load on
start will revert to DEFAULT.
The version you set to load on start only loads if the widget is open when the app loads, or if the version is set using a URL parameter. If you add this widget to a Widget Controller, you can set the Branch Version Management widget to open when the app loads in the Widget Controller's settings.
- Version information (advanced style only)—Specify the version information that can appear in the version list for the selected data source. Available version information includes name, owner, access, creation date, description, common ancestor date, evaluation date, modified date, previous ancestor date, reconcile date, version GUID, and version ID.
- Management capability (advanced style only)—Specify which version management parameters to allow
for the selected data source.
Version information and version management capability are based on a combination of the active portal user's privileges and the access permission of the version. End users lacking the required privileges will not see all version information or have access to version management options.
- Switch versions—Allow users to switch between versions.
- Create new—Allow users to create versions.
- Delete existing—Allow users to delete versions.
- Update name—Allow users to change the version name.
- Update description—Allow users to change the version description.
- Change owner—Allow users to change the owner of the version.
- Change access privileges—Allow users to change the permission access level for the version (public, protected, or private).
- Automatically refresh version list—Change the time interval for automatically refreshing the list of versions in the widget (between 1 and 999 minutes).
- Select a version to load on
start—Choose which version to load on start for
the selected data source. If this version is deleted after the configuration of the widget, the version to load on
start will revert to DEFAULT.
- General settings
- Number of records per page—Specify how many versions to display on each page of the widget.
- Expand versions list—Turn on this setting to expand the list of available versions when the widget loads.