Esri Location Data is a global collection of authoritative information about places and people across the globe.
Esri Location Data consists of the following:
- Esri Demographics—A comprehensive set of demographic map layers, web maps, and services for over 170 countries and regions. The data categories available span demographic and socioeconomic information for these regions, such as population, income, households, and more. Esri Demographics consists of standard demographics for over 170 countries or regions and advanced demographics containing more data variables and finer levels of geography for a subset of countries.
- ArcGIS Places—This portfolio provides distinct geographic references, including points of interest (POI), building footprints, boundaries, and parcels for areas around the world.
- ArcGIS Basemaps—A global collection of basemaps with localized languages and geographies that can be customized to meet your unique needs.
- ArcGIS World Geocoding Service—This service converts input text into geographic locations on the map, with street-level geocoding for more than 90 percent of the world. Access reliable, authoritative address data for use with routing, location-finding, and navigation applications.
- ArcGIS Routing—This service can be used to find the most efficient routes to your destinations and reduce both time and cost. The routing service can help you generate turn-by-turn directions, manage your fleet of vehicles, and perform network analysis for efficient route planning.
- ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service—This service provides global demographic, behavioral, and places information that you can join to your data to obtain additional geographic context and insights.
- ArcGIS Data Appliance—A content solution with a collection of global basemaps and reference layers that can be published and shared throughout the organization in your own infrastructure.
- ArcGIS StreetMap Premium—An out-of-the-box solution that is designed specifically to use with ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS StreetMap Premium provides offline, ready-to-use street data for high-quality and multiscale cartographic map display; accurate geocoding; and optimized routing, driving directions, and network analysis.
- Esri Reports—A portal for users to directly purchase authoritative, presentation-ready demographic reports. Esri Reports contain previously vetted and analyzed data that you can customize based on criteria such as sales territories, trade areas, and more.
Terms of use
Permitted use of Esri Location Data is covered in Section 3.0 DATA of the Esri Master Agreement (E204CW) and the supplemental terms in Data Attributions and Terms of Use.