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The Collector for ArcGIS (Classic) help site is retired and no longer being updated. To learn about Collector retirement and to find the latest information on data collection, see Collector retirement.

The following are some troubleshooting tips that Collector map authors may find helpful. For troubleshooting tips when using maps, see Troubleshooting in Collect Data.

I made a map and signed in to Collector with the same account. Why can't I find my map in the app?

Collector works with maps that contain an editable feature layer. If the map doesn't have an editable feature layer, it doesn't appear in Collector.

I made a map. Why can't others in my organization find it in Collector?

Your data collectors must have access to your map and the data it contains to use it in Collector. Make sure your data and maps are accessible by sharing them with a group in your organization. See Share items with a group in the ArcGIS Online help.

Why can't I find a particular datum transformation in Collector?

Collector supports a large number of datum transformations; however, some are not currently supported, such as grid-based transformations. For a list of supported transformations, see Datum transformations in the ArcGIS REST API help. If your desired transformation is not listed, contact Esri Support.

Does Collector store the altitude on the z-value of a geometry?

Collector does not support directly storing the altitude on the z-value of a geometry. This will be supported in an upcoming release. Currently, you can capture the altitude values of point features, and use the ProjectZ geoprocessing tool to transfer these values to geometry z-values.

Why can't I copy a tile package to my device for use in Collector?

If your tile package is larger than 4 GB and your device uses the FAT32 storage format, you cannot copy the package to your device. This is a known issue with certain Android devices. To work around this, you can use a third-party application to download the tile package directly to your device and manually move it into your ArcGIS_Collector folder.

If you don't meet the above criteria and are having problems copying tile packages, see Use basemaps on your device in the Go offline topic.