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Supported data

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The Collector for ArcGIS (Classic) help site is retired and no longer being updated. To learn about Collector retirement and to find the latest information on data collection, see Collector retirement.

When creating maps for data collection, they must have editable data. You can also provide additional, noneditable reference data for additional context in your map. A variety of data types are supported.

Editable data

In a data collection map, the editable data drives the map. Without supported, editable data, the map won't appear in Collector. The following data sources are supported for editing:

  • Feature layers hosted on ArcGIS Online
  • Feature layers hosted on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later or Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 or earlier

    Downloading features without their attachments requires ArcGIS Enterprise.

  • ArcGIS Server feature services

    Databases are supported for connected map use. File geodatabases are not supported. The versions of ArcGIS Server and geodatabases that are required vary depending on the functionality you need. See the following table for details.

Functionality you needSupported versions of geodatabasesSupported versions of ArcGIS Server
Connected and offline map useConnected map useOffline map use

Editable data—Nonversioned, archived



10.2.2 or later

Editable data—Versioned



10.3 or later. If using 10.3.1, it is recommended that you use the ArcGIS 10.3.1 Feature Service Sync Performance patch.

Sync options



  • Bidirectional support for features and attachments—10.2.2 or later
  • Downloading features without their attachments—10.5 or later
  • Downloading the schema only (without any features)—10.2.2 or later

Related tables


10.3 or later

10.3 or later. If using 10.3.1, it is recommended that you use the ArcGIS 10.3.1 Feature Service Sync Performance patch.

Geometric networks²


10.3.1 or later

10.3.1 or later

¹Global IDs are required for offline use.

²These require versioned data for editing. When used in Collector, all feature services that participate in a geometric network are treated as simple feature services, and the restrictions of the geometric network are ignored.


There are some restrictions on the editable data that you use.

  • Ownership-based access is not supported offline.
  • If the feature layer is z-aware, you won't be able to collect or update feature geometries unless there is a default z-value. Without a default, you'll get an error message if you try to submit or update one.
  • If the feature layer is m-aware, and you collect or update feature geometries, the m-values of the new geometries will be null.
  • If your data uses multilayer symbols, it will be usable in Collector. However, it won't draw with the multilayer symbology.

Reference data

In addition to the basemap, you can include other noneditable data in your map to provide context to data collectors. The following data sources are supported:

  • Feature layers hosted on ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later, or Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 or earlier
  • Tile layers hosted on ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later, or Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 or earlier (excluding vector tile layers)
  • Files imported into ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later, or Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 or earlier (including GPX, CSV, and shapefiles)³
  • ArcGIS Server map services (tiled map services using ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 or later for offline use)
  • ArcGIS Server feature services (10.2.2 or later for offline use)

    Databases are supported for connected map use. File geodatabases are not supported.

  • ArcGIS Server image services4
  • WMS data³
  • KML data³

³Only supported for connected (online) use.

4Only supported for connected (online) use on Android and iOS. Supported offline on Windows.