Release notes

ArcGIS StoryMaps is regularly updated with new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements. These release notes list the updates for each ArcGIS StoryMaps release with the most recent update shown first.

July 10, 2024



  • The Add media button reappears after deleting media in a briefing.

July 2, 2024


  • Create a new theme by starting from one of the standard themes.
  • Text alignment can be set on the minimal cover.


  • Briefings have an improved layout and are easier to navigate when viewed in portrait orientation on a phone.
  • Survey123 embeds are more effectively displayed in the sidecar narrative panel.
  • "Keep pop-up open" map setting supports map image layers.


  • "Keep pop-up open" map setting works for layers inside group layers (BUG-000167862).
  • A media action on a duplicated slide works as expected.
  • An open pop-up will close if its layer visibility is turned off.
  • Briefings cover logo scales correctly for mobile screens.

June 26, 2024


  • Web scenes support time! Scenes and scene slides with a time extent can be used in a story or briefing to show a specific time or time range. Time is honored when placing a scene or configuring a media action. Also, the time animation widget is available for scenes with time-enabled layers.
  • The ArcGIS recycle bin, under Quick Links, holds your recently deleted ArcGIS StoryMaps items. If enabled in your ArcGIS organization, deleted items will be sent to the recycle bin instead of being permanently deleted, or you may choose to permanently delete an item. For more information, see the ArcGIS Recycle Bin Help Documentation.
  • Create a new briefing with a StoryMap Theme already applied from the theme's ArcGIS item page.


  • The map transition animation for map tours and sidecars is smoother and provides more geographic context over longer distances.
  • Web map navigation transitions honor the reader's accessibility settings for preferring reduced motion.
  • Graphical depictions of blocks and layouts have been updated throughout the builders.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.30.


  • The time extent is honored when placing a web map or configuring a media action using a web map bookmark.
  • The time animation widget no longer appears unexpectedly in some maps with subscriber content.
  • Pop-up placement in maps and scenes has been improved.

May 29, 2024


  • Media action links can be added to text selections.


  • Various accessibility enhancements were made to the briefings viewer.


  • An error message appears when duplicating a story outside your data storage region.

May 15, 2024


  • Add code blocks to briefings.
  • Add table blocks to briefings.
  • Show the date on collection covers.
  • Story covers can be hidden using a check box in the story settings.
  • Authors can enable analytics in briefings.


  • The maximum number of table rows has been increased from 10 to 11.


  • PDF toolbar buttons are visible in dark themes.
  • When Keep pop-up open is enabled, a pop-up will not be shown if its layer is not visible.
  • Duplicate app proxies are no longer created when publishing ArcGIS StoryMaps with subscription content.

May 1, 2024


  • Double-click a header when viewing a briefing to switch to full screen.


  • New items are no longer deleted when you use the browser back button.
  • The map editor does not immediately open after duplicating an express map in a swipe block.


  • “#C" no longer displays instead of "C#"in the Code block language drop-down menu for right-to-left languages.
  • Escaping a full-screen image in an express map pop-up does not also escape the full-screen mode of the express map.
  • An empty image box no longer appears when clicking the feature that previously contained a media pop-up.
  • Attachment text added from ArcGIS Content or Upload to a briefing is properly underlined.
  • User region appears by default when browsing for an attachment to add to a briefing.

April 17, 2024


  • Add image galleries to briefings.
  • Use the Public Content tab to add publicly shared ArcGIS items to your stories, collections, and briefings.
  • Choose to keep pop-ups open in your web maps.


  • Large text displays correctly when printing.
  • The copy link for output items generates successfully in Safari.
  • Maps no longer zoom out when switching between briefings slides.
  • Pop-ups display correctly on briefings maps.
  • The correct error message displays when dragging an unsupported file type into an image gallery.
  • Embed alternative images print in a higher quality.

April 3, 2024


  • Add videos to express map pop-ups.


  • Accessibility improvements have been included for full cover appearance navigation and table captions.


  • Keyboard shortcut to format text as a heading (#) works as expected in briefing builder.
  • Edit Map button appears correctly in a briefing’s map contained in a swipe.
  • Duplicated sidecars now show the selected styles for the narrative panels.
  • Alignment of the full cover panel in RTL languages is correct.
  • Properties set on briefings logos get displayed.

March 21, 2024


  • Add button-style media actions to a sidecar (ENH-000147038).
  • Individual options to show a logo on the cover or header are available in the design panel in the story, briefing, and collection builders.


  • The sidecar slides panel has improved accessibility.
  • Briefing navigation alternative text has improved.
  • Keyboard navigation is disabled when media within a briefing is expanded.


  • Links with hashes are not truncated when adding them as embeds (BUG-000165479).
  • Linked documents and websites can be downloaded from an ArcGIS StoryMaps collection (BUG-000156013).
  • Express map pop-up images in briefings honor the Fit placement.
  • Cover panel size reflects correctly in side-by-side layout.
  • Express map thumbnails are generated in sidecars as soon as the map is placed.
  • Publicly shared web maps that utilize subscription layers no longer prompt for sign in.
  • The cancel button on the “Link to web page” panel no longer deletes the previously added link.
  • Certain briefings no longer repeat in a collection’s autoplay.

March 11, 2024



  • Using two heat maps in a swipe block causes the maps to not render correctly (BUG-000165794).

March 6, 2024



  • Position of text on stories that use the full cover has been restored.
  • All text in the collection builder’s journal cover is center aligned.

February 28, 2024


  • Print a briefing.
  • Copy a link to a briefing slide.
  • Edit a briefing slide's display title to change how it is shown in the Table of Contents.
  • Show the date on a briefing's cover.
  • A new date option to show the current date.
  • In briefings, include images as offline media for a swipe block with maps.
  • Clicking the title of a briefing navigates to the cover slide.
  • Change the cover panel's style, positioning, and size in a story using a full layout.


  • The Swap panel content and Change panel position actions are undoable on slides with two content panels.
  • Single quotes are displayed correctly in the briefing table of contents and story navigation bar.
  • Copying a collection link from the Share menu no longer redirects to an incorrect URL.
  • Video poster images are aligned correctly in print preview.

February 21, 2024


  • Exiting the express map designer by closing the web browser or navigating to another page no longer causes a story to break.

February 7, 2024


  • Pop-ups can be docked in web maps and scenes.
  • Content can be swapped between briefings panels.
  • Add a subtitle to briefing sections.


  • Various express map pop-up image behaviors are resolved.
  • All text is black when printing a story.
  • Navigating a web scene using a middle mouse button is improved within stories.
  • Slide numbers in the briefing builder match those used for untitled slides in the viewer table of contents.
  • Mobile map package created as offline media has its sharing level checked upon publishing a briefing.
  • The autoplay reset button in briefings functions as expected.
  • Narrative text contained within “< >” symbols no longer get removed upon publish.

January 24, 2024


  • Briefings can be autoplayed.
  • Briefings slides can be duplicated.
  • Text size can be adjusted in briefings.
  • New briefing slide layouts: single/double panel without title, section title, and media-only.
  • Set alternative media to represent maps and embedded content for offline viewing of briefings.
  • Reuse previously uploaded images in briefings.


  • The Large Paragraph text block is now created using the new Change text size button on the text formatting toolbar. Text size can now also be changed for bulleted and numbered lists.
  • Slideshow has been removed from the block palette. (It is still available as a sidecar layout.)
  • A web map's background color is honored when it is placed in a story or briefing.
  • Uploaded images and videos are placed in Fit position in briefings.


  • Improved navigation behavior in the briefing builder slides pane.
  • The animated arrow on some story cover layouts is hidden from screen readers.
  • Copy section heading buttons have specific descriptions that include the full heading text to make them useful for readers using assistive technologies.
  • Filmstrip image galleries that are moved around within a story have a functioning reset button.
  • Changes to an image link can be undone or redone.
  • The Copy link option for collections returns the correct link again.

December 20, 2023


  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.28.10.
  • Table block is no longer in beta.
  • Include cache control headers to prevent intermittent infrastructure issues that cause items to not load.


  • Links from YouTube videos embedded using iframe code are no longer blocked (BUG-000161933).
  • A gallery image would no longer expand after its options were edited.
  • Text center aligns in the thematic map data tables.

December 6, 2023


  • Add code to a sidecar media panel.


  • Embedded Survey123 forms look and work better in stories, briefings, and collections with better frame sizing, more helpful default display options, and application of theme colors.


  • Improved briefing table of contents scroll behavior.
  • Pasting a link for a story that requires a login works again.
  • Express map point icons display correctly in the builder.
  • Quote source displays as expected for all quote styles.
  • Include media cache control headers to prevent intermittent infrastructure issues that could cause items not to load.

November 21, 2023


  • Improved readability and interactivity when navigating using a briefing's table of contents.


  • Story header no longer appears when added to a collection (BUG-000162871).
  • Map widget icons are restored to their expected size.

November 8, 2023


  • An optional field is available to include the source of a quote.
  • Links can be added to images that appear inline in a story or in an image gallery (ENH-000137615).
  • Scale bars can be removed from web maps.
  • Attribution can be added to inline uploaded videos.


  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript has been updated to version 4.28.8.
  • Attribution, formerly on the Display tab, has been moved to the Properties tab in media options.


  • Background color shows as expected for web maps that use blend modes.
  • Character limits are enforced in input fields like attribution and the analytics consent message.
  • Scenes with layers not in a WGS projection can be added to a story (BUG-000162527).
  • Videos embedded in a slideshow play in all slides (BUG-000161458).

October 30, 2023


  • Maps no longer break in a story after a map with a legend widget containing a hidden layer is unloaded (BUG-000162373).

October 25, 2023


  • Link to headings in a story.
  • Link to slides in a briefing.
  • Link to web pages in a briefing.


  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript has been updated to version 4.28.
  • Changes to the cover positioning can be undone.


  • Audio can be recorded from a survey form embedded in a story (BUG-000-159841).
  • A duplicated item's URL property no longer references the original item.
  • Express maps and edited images copy successfully when duplicating someone else's story or briefing.

October 11, 2023


  • A redesigned experience is available for adding and configuring hyperlinks.
  • Sidecars and tours no longer have space at the top of the narrative panel when they are the first block in the story and the cover is hidden.
  • The atmospheric effect has been removed for 3D map tours.
  • Briefings and language settings are available when using an ArcGIS public account.


  • Longer stories no longer stall when opening them using a section link (BUG-000158631).
  • Word wrapping is improved and margins are more consistent on briefing slides.
  • The delete button for separators has been improved so it works across all themes.

September 27, 2023


  • Undo/redo is supported when working with table blocks (beta).


  • Images and videos use "fit" placement when used as briefings attachments.
  • Overflow text in briefing builder can be viewed by scrolling the slide, and truncation can be previewed by clicking outside the content areas.


  • Escape key closes expanded images.
  • Correct tooltip displays for web scene briefings attachments.

September 14, 2023


  • Navigate briefing slides using a slide remote accessory or the PageUp and PageDown keys.
  • Align text in a table block.
  • Briefing attachments show an icon to indicate the type of content.


  • The map designer and theme builder side panels are wider, and several buttons across the builders have updated designs.


  • Maps with subscriber content in a published briefing can be viewed without signing in.
  • A briefing no longer shows a blank slide when using the table of contents to navigate from the last slide to the first.
  • The table of contents always keeps the active briefing slide in view while navigating.

August 30, 2023


  • Add briefings to a collection.
  • Use the right and left arrow keys to navigate while viewing a briefing.


  • Briefing slides maintain a constant aspect ratio at different browser window sizes.
  • Briefings content loading has been optimized to reduce the occurrence of crashes on mobile devices.
  • Opening a story with a deleted theme shows the correct error message.
  • The table of contents scrolls as expected for briefings with many slides.
  • The header bar and navigation controls are shown when a briefing is embedded in a story or a web page.
  • Accessibility has been improved for accessing tool tips when navigating with the keyboard.

August 16, 2023


  • Create briefings. A briefing is a new content type that allows you to synthesize maps and information for your audience in a presentation format.
  • Add tables to structure information in a story.
  • Allow duplication of your stories, collections, briefings, and themes.
  • Disable web search indexing for stories and collections.


  • Several decorative images are properly ignored by assistive technology for improved accessibility.
  • Accessible names have been added to several buttons.
  • An image appears in the expected location when dragging it above another story element.
  • After a duplicated map in a swipe block has been deleted, a new map can be added.

August 2, 2023


  • An inline image can be fit to the screen height.


  • A map bookmark or scene slide that was used to configure the current view remains selected.
  • Cancelling a publish action returns to the story builder instead of Publish options.


  • Attribution icon is always shown inside the boundary of smaller images.
  • The Add from Google Fonts page is no longer cut off on Theme builder when language is set to Arabic.
  • Your theme icon does not display on the Design panel when someone else’s theme is selected on the Approved tab.
  • An error no longer occurs when scene slides are altered.
  • Images appear in the expected location when dragging an image above another story element.

July 19, 2023


  • Subscriber content in a group layer is authorized for public viewing.
  • Sharing restrictions are better reflected when publishing.

June 28, 2023


  • Show line numbers in a code block.


  • Options to copy story, collection, or heading links are hidden when embedded in another website (because these links can't be copied due to web security restrictions).
  • Drop-down menus within map tours and thematic maps have improved accessibility navigation.


  • Public stories no longer show an error message if you recently viewed them while logged in (BUG-000143623).
  • Map actions set using a scene slide can reset the scene to its original state.

June 16, 2023


  • Edit item summaries in a collection when using the Journal layout.
  • Add lists to map tour descriptions using keyboard shortcuts.
  • HTML tags for line breaks (br), paragraphs (p), lists (ol, ul, li), and formatting (b, i) are supported in map tours created from feature layers (ENH-000143685).
  • Different basemaps may be shown when using a web scene across multiple sidecar slides (ENH-000127729).


  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript has been updated to version 4.27.
  • The landing page has been updated to include links to Storymaps and information about Esri storytelling solutions.
  • Improved placement of the text formatting toolbar.
  • The size of header logo is slightly larger (40 pixels high).


  • Improved quality of uploaded images that contain text (BUG-000145939).
  • Correct basemap is shown when a web scene is placed using a scene slide.
  • New stories and collections can get created from an ArcGIS StoryMaps theme item found in a search or group.
  • Alternative text has been added to few Close buttons where it was missing.
  • Shadows are shown in web scenes after being placed in a story.

May 24, 2023


  • Use professionally created featured themes to help your story stand out.
  • A third heading level is available to further organize a story.
  • Headings can be aligned and text can be styled using strikethrough formatting.
  • Collection overview page elements can be hidden.
  • Syntax highlighting for the statistical computing language R is available in the code block.


  • Hyperlink clicks are correctly recorded in stories using analytics tracking.
  • Express map drawings reflect the chosen theme accent color.
  • An empty consent message is no longer shown for some older stories using analytics.
  • Changes in elevation layers in scene slides are now reflected.
  • Web scenes now honor visibility of sublayers within a group layer.
  • Visibility is reflected correctly in the layer list when using a scene slide.
  • Extra block insertion buttons no longer persist in the story builder.

May 10, 2023


  • Alt text was missing from certain layout previews.
  • Semantic designations for window headings are improved.
  • Header appears in device previews again.
  • Using the Enter key behaves as expected when entering attribution in the credits section.

May 4, 2023


  • Settings updates for stories that previously had analytics enabled are saved.
  • Page views are captured as expected for Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.

April 26, 2023


  • Use Adobe Analytics to collect information about reader engagement.
  • Image editor markup can be deleted from the drawing toolbar.


  • Temporary error and warning messages display for a longer time.
  • Drop-down menus throughout the story builder have improved accessibility options.
  • Audio files load in a more efficient way.

April 13, 2023


  • Apply a glow effect or fill to markup features in the image editor.
  • Accessibility has been enhanced for additional drop-down menus in the story builder.


  • Text from indented bullets no longer overlaps with floating images (BUG-000156081).
  • Audio files upload to the story builder and play successfully.
  • Publishing a story modified using the Python API no longer stalls.

March 29, 2023


  • Format a code block using SQL.
  • Reset story and collection card item metadata.


  • Linked images that contain special characters in the URL no longer cause story errors (BUG-000156253).

March 15, 2023


  • Collections have a new, longer description that can include links and formatted text.
  • A keyboard shortcut guide is included in the Help menu.
  • Alternative text can be provided for map tour maps.
  • Drop-down menu accessibility has been enhanced through improved keyboard navigation, focus management, and screen reader support.


  • Map tour’s 3D mode is no longer in beta.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript has been updated to version 4.26.5.


  • A rare issue in which a story could become uneditable was addressed.
  • Concurrent editor warnings show when expected.
  • Text with links can be pasted into a caption or attribution field.
  • Swipe map legend titles are formatted correctly.
  • Unsupported widgets are not displayed in swipe map options.
  • Hidden slides in map tour no longer prevent location placement.

February 22, 2023


  • Share formatted code snippets in a story with the new code block.
  • Add an overview map to any express map, web map, or web scene.
  • Uploaded images can be rotated or flipped.
  • Collections have a distinct label and icon when shown on ArcGIS content pages and search results.



  • Edited images display as expected in the publish preview.
  • A replaced video thumbnail loads and automatically plays as expected in sidecars and map tours.
  • Images no longer lose their transparent background when resized.
  • Story items appear as expected in your content list after being duplicated from a partnered collaboration group (BUG-000147803).

February 16, 2023


  • What's new in the Help menu points to a list of all what's new articles on the ArcGIS blog.


  • Added one-click recovery to help if a story, collection, or theme becomes uneditable.
  • Swipe media loads again as expected.

February 8, 2023


  • Upload progress is shown for images and videos.
  • Embed URLs that differ only in their trailing hashes are no longer reloaded across sidecar slides.


  • Gray background no longer appears behind transparent SVGs (BUG-000155501).
  • Small-screen display option for embeds works as expected.
  • Multiple drop-down menus will not remain open.
  • Pasted URLs are formatted as links.

January 25, 2023


  • The collection builder’s full-page publishing screen improves visibility of important options.
  • Embedded content can be displayed live as an interactive item on small screens.


  • The maximum allowed height or width for an uploaded image is now 6000 pixels.


  • Images no longer intermittently appear blurry in Safari (BUG-000149275).
  • A story without maps could get incorrectly flagged when publishing if its theme basemap wasn’t shared.
  • Several rare issues with image loading and text placement were addressed.

January 5, 2023


  • Express map features can be edited after duplicating a slide.
  • Web scenes transition smoothly between sidecar slides.

December 14, 2022


  • Adding an audio block in a sidecar or map tour can be redone.
  • Publish button no longer stays selected after publishing a theme.
  • Altering media for story cover thumbnails can be undone and redone successfully.
  • Images in a gallery can be reordered and deleted without errors.

November 30, 2022


  • Undo and redo (beta) are available in story builder (ENH-000125596).
  • Choose a web map (in Web Mercator projection) from your content or organization as a theme basemap.
  • Map tours have a new option to show tour progress lines.
  • A scale bar is shown for web maps, express maps, and map tours.


ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript


  • Spellcheck suggestions can be applied and will persist.
  • Time animation widget works as expected for time enabled maps (BUG-000153710).
  • Legibility of numbered point symbol text in express maps is improved.
  • Screen reader announcements for item cards on the My project page and collection's tabbed and bulleted navigation controls are improved.
  • Updated several text strings in map designer for clarity and consistency.

November 9, 2022


  • Crop and mark up uploaded photos with the new image editor (beta).
  • Related records can be viewed in pop-ups.
  • Theme sharing details are documented (ENH-000153275).
  • Basemap, button, quote, link, and separator styles for standard themes are documented.


  • Linked videos in map tours no longer autoplay.
  • Numbered point text color adjusts based on the background color to improve legibility.
  • If you navigate away from the builder without making any changes to a new story, collection, or theme, the blank item will be deleted.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.25.


  • Slide transition can be set between slides with the same type of media (BUG-000153044).
  • The same image can be used in consecutive map tour places (BUG-000152037).
  • Screen reader announcements for menu buttons and collection's compact navigation are improved.
  • Weather effects are shown when configuring a scene using a scene slide.
  • Text is readable in the Embed this story panel when a dark theme is used.
  • Changing a sidecar panel's position no longer causes navigation dots to appear in the wrong location.
  • When duplicating an item, the new item's title contains "(Copy)" again.

October 19, 2022


  • Share level shows correctly in publish options.
  • Cursor position is correct when starting a new list.
  • Extra line breaks are removed when pasting from Microsoft Word.
  • Navigation overflow buttons, collection compact navigation controls, and menu states are announced by screen readers.

October 5, 2022


  • The story builder's full-page publishing screen improves visibility of important options.
  • The contrast checker provides information to help you meet accessibility guidelines when choosing colors while building themes and stories.


  • Tool groupings have been removed from the express map toolbar.


  • An issue where story settings did not show the saved values of its options was addressed.
  • Spellcheck is active in the story builder again.
  • A number is no longer assigned to hidden immersive slides.
  • A situation where the clock did not appear on the time widget was addressed.
  • Long layer names without spaces wrap as expected in the legend.
  • The legend will scroll when there are too many layers to show at once (BUG-000151479).
  • Only one pin appears on the map after multiple searches when setting a map tour location.
  • Several icon sizes have been updated to be more consistent.
  • The ARIA label is attached to the correct HTML element for media attribution.

September 21, 2022


  • The default image placement for data-driven tours is now fit.


  • Panoramic images no longer cause unusual behavior for filmstrip image gallery controls.
  • Changes are reflected in print preview after republishing a public story.
  • Numbering updates do not affect explorer tour slides.

September 7, 2022


  • Content pasted from Google Docs persists after reloading the builder or publishing a story (BUG-000147770).
  • Autoplay controls work for a public story added via URL.

August 24, 2022


  • The default basemap for express maps and map tours can be configured as part of a theme.
  • Guided map tour number order can be ascending or descending and the starting number can be set.
  • For data-driven tours, fit or fill positioning is available for images. You can also populate image attribution and alternative text from fields in the feature layer and use images on the web (instead of attachments) by specifying a field that contains image URLs.
  • Map tours can be created from feature layers in projections other than Web Mercator (BUG-000148954).


  • Story navigation and other options panels could be truncated or disappear (BUG-000150749).

August 10, 2022



  • New image galleries are created in dynamic squares layout.
  • When using collection autoplay, the time items are shown varies with the speed.


  • Story title in share card settings is shown on the browser tab.

July 27, 2022


  • 3D map tours use virtual lighting.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.24.7.


  • Share card information from story settings is displayed when shared on social media sites.
  • Return-to-start button displays when adding a second slide to a sidecar in slideshow layout.
  • Publish button remains active if an audio upload is cancelled.
  • Image gallery print layout was improved.
  • Slide transition is inactive for hidden slides.

July 7, 2022



  • All text in sidecar narrative panels is shown in the expected color when using transparent panel styles.
  • Web scene lighting is honored by map actions.

June 30, 2022


  • Filmstrip layout is available for image gallery.
  • Slideshow has been upgraded to a sidecar layout and inherits features such as map actions, inline and background audio, flexible content arrangements in the narrative panel, and more.
  • Docked and floating panel sidecar layouts have the option to set the media panel to a color.


  • Slideshow and image gallery blocks are no longer in beta.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.24.4.


  • Embedded Microsoft PowerBI dashboards no longer revert to a card when editing a story (BUG-000147238).
  • An issue that prevented some maps from loading was addressed.
  • Slides using virtual light can be used to set a web scene's view.
  • Line-of-sight layers honor their visibility settings in the story builder.
  • Long field names display without overlapping in map tour configuration panel menus.
  • Some icons and images have been updated with higher resolution assets to improve sharpness on some devices.
  • Clicking outside a slideshow's arrow buttons no longer navigates to a different slide.
  • Spacing of immersive slide panel controls was adjusted to prevent some buttons from being blocked by Windows scrollbars.
  • When a story in a shared update group is duplicated, its ArcGIS item details page is no longer unavailable (BUG-000147419).

June 15, 2022


  • Collections can be autoplayed.
  • FF Meta and FF Seria fonts are available in theme builder.


  • Design updates to the immersive slides panel in story builder.


  • Updated share card setting name to match ArcGIS terminology (BUG-000148734).
  • Added documentation (to the FAQ) on recommended image resolutions and aspect ratios (ENH-000136232).

June 1, 2022


  • Minor fixes and stability improvements.

May 18, 2022


  • Collection settings are available to set the language and control visibility of the share menu.


  • Media load times are improved for faster performance.
  • Mouse wheel can be used to zoom web maps in full screen mode (BUG-000140511).
  • Experience of filtering items by type when adding to a collection is updated.


  • Web scene honors its saved view after reload (BUG-000145633).
  • There is no delay updating cover text when it wraps to two lines.
  • Theme item page link on issue checker report page works again.
  • When adding to a collection, the content type filter from other tabs no longer acts on the Living Atlas tab.
  • Text formatting toolbar appears in correct position in empty blocks for right-to-left languages.

May 4, 2022


  • Readers can interact with floor-aware maps.


  • Browsing ArcGIS Living Atlas content is easier and more flexible.
  • Time animation widget is no longer in beta.
  • Docked panel is the default layout for sidecar.


  • Embedded stories are the correct height.
  • Linked videos in sidecar narrative panels are the correct width.
  • Sort direction can be changed for tours with fewer than 200 places.
  • The map tour description field can be set to none.
  • Embedded private dashboards load as expected (BUG-000146817).
  • Missing text boxes that prevented adding linked media or alternative text on iOS have been restored.
  • The Skip to content button sometimes appeared when it wasn't needed.
  • A quality issue with uploaded video thumbnail images was addressed.

April 20, 2022


  • Any feature service field may be used to sort map tour places.
  • The feature service field used for map tour place titles or descriptions can be removed (ENH-000143890).
  • Owners and administrators are notified when viewing or editing a story or collection if its theme is not available.
  • Approved themes are indicated in the design panel.


  • Design updates to tabs, panels, and other elements.


  • Zoom level is honored after changing the basemap for a 3D tour.

April 6, 2022


  • Language support for Bulgarian.


  • Latest news link updated.
  • Design improvements for check boxes, switches, menus, and other controls.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.23.7.


  • Story width is correct when viewing on a mobile device (BUG-000147490, BUG-000147415).
  • Descriptions of express map points allow multiple paragraphs (BUG-000146470).
  • List items are preserved when backspacing in front of a formatted text span.
  • Supported protocols (such as mailto: and tel:) can be added to links again.
  • Time widget remains disabled when configuring a map where it was previously turned off.
  • An image shows when the ArcGIS StoryMaps home page link is shared on social media sites.

March 22, 2022


  • In ArcGIS, action buttons on ArcGIS StoryMaps item pages indicate whether the item is a story or collection, and ArcGIS StoryMaps Theme item pages have a Share button and action buttons to create a story or collection.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.23.


  • An issue that caused a crash when duplicating or hiding a slide with a map action was addressed.
  • Adding alternative text for the logo no longer corrupts its URL.
  • Duplicated stories always use the story title.
  • The time widget displays the expected start date when a map is set to play from the position saved in the map.

March 8, 2022


  • Publish themes and share them to your organization or groups or keep them private (ENH-000138419).
  • Browse and use themes that have been shared with you through your organization or groups.
  • Open a theme's ArcGIS item details page using the View full details action.
  • Alignment can be set for paragraphs and large paragraphs (ENH-000144911).


  • Approved themes, if your organization has them, are shown on the Approved tab.
  • Members of the organization's approved themes group will see that group at the top of the list when publishing themes.
  • The icon and label denoting share update groups were updated to be more clear.


  • An issue that could make the builder freeze for some stories was fixed.
  • Color palette no longer moves and requires two clicks when choosing a color.
  • Several issues with print layout were addressed.

February 23, 2022


  • Customize the title, description, and thumbnail that is shown when a story is shared on social media.
  • Disable updates to ArcGIS item info during publication (ENH-000133687).
  • Reuse images that have already been added to a story.
  • Use a formatting shortcut for converting text to a paragraph (:).


  • Media attribution can contain up to 125 characters.
  • The design of the preview toolbar and other builder controls was updated.
  • Many additions, updates, and clarifications were made to the FAQs and other product documentation topics.


  • The time widget displays the expected start time when the map's time display is set to show features progressively (BUG-000145045).
  • The item thumbnail is updated after a collection or theme is published.
  • The builder no longer fails to open if there is a problem detected with a map tour or other block.

February 9, 2022


  • An option to show or hide the Open live content in a new tab button is available for immersive media panel embeds (ENH-000143881).
  • A Skip to content button improves keyboard navigation.
  • The active heading is highlighted after jumping to a section using a story navigation link.
  • The active element is highlighted in the story preview when using the theme builder.


  • The block palette and other builder components have an updated design and refreshed look.


  • Collection images fade in for all layouts.
  • Keyboard focus is set to the section heading when using navigation links.

January 26, 2022


  • You can format text as superscript and subscript (ENH-000127120).
  • List items can be indented (ENH-000143882).
  • You can create single-spaced text using Shift+Enter (ENH-000142731).
  • Formatting shortcuts work for new text blocks (#, ##, >, %, *, -, 1).
  • The hyperlink configuration was redesigned, including a new keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K (Windows) or Command+K (Mac).
  • A hyperlink is automatically added after pasting a URL.
  • Link-style map actions can be used in lists.
  • Swipe comparisons can be created using express maps.
  • Stories modified by the ArcGIS API for Python are optimized by the story builder.


  • The collection builder shows layout and navigation changes.


  • Pasted text preserves its formatting and structure.
  • Arrow keys allow cursor movement between text blocks.
  • Text blocks can be merged using Delete key (BUG-000145542).
  • Text removal does not work as expected (BUG-000135608).
  • Flickering that can occur when hovering over 3D map tour symbols has been reduced.
  • The extent is saved after changing the express map basemap to a web map.
  • Use of map tour configuration menus has been improved (BUG-000144266).
  • Time extent is honored for time-enabled bookmarks.
  • LAS layer visibility updates when configuring a web scene (BUG-000134008).
  • Collection magazine layout titles are no longer cut off.
  • The formatting panel isn't cut off in slideshow (BUG-000133992).
  • A horizontal scroll bar no longer appears for stories with large image galleries.
  • The accessibility of the text formatting toolbar has been improved.
  • The story title is recognized by screen readers in the story builder.
  • The FAQ on credit usage was updated (BUG-000144901).

December 15, 2021


  • Map tour maps can now be made 3D in the tour options.


  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.22.2.
  • Captions for narrative panel media are center aligned.

December 8, 2021


December 2, 2021


  • A critical issue with publishing was resolved.

December 1, 2021


  • Map actions can be used with express maps in sidecar blocks (ENH-000138603).
  • You can upload a PDF as a collection item.


  • The story thumbnail reverts to the default thumbnail when the image is deleted from the story.
  • The story language setting is no longer in beta.


  • Images with a portrait aspect ratio are no longer distorted if they appear as the story thumbnail.
  • Heading links no longer break after the story is edited and republished.
  • Alternative text for PDF embeds is saved as expected.
  • The PDF frame resizes properly when the narrative panel size is changed.
  • The legend immediately updates the visible layers when transitioning between slides when using map choreography.

November 17, 2021


  • Images and videos can be added to a collection.
  • Reorder text blocks with their drag and drop handle.
  • Map legend titles can be edited in the swipe options.
  • Secure map layers that may not be visible to everyone are flagged when you publish a story.


  • Image optimization is improved.
  • Hyperlinks in media attribution are accessible through keyboard navigation.
  • Embeds added through iframe code honor sizing parameters.
  • Print preview looks better on small screens.
  • Swipe images are properly scaled down after closing full-screen view.
  • All map layers are shown in the legend after a swipe is dragged to a new location.
  • Changes to swipe legend options persist correctly.
  • PDF items no longer overflow the immersive media panel.
  • Embedded PDF items are shown as a card in print preview.

November 3, 2021


  • Immersive blocks (sidecars, slideshows, and map tours) can be duplicated.
  • Link-style map actions can be added to large paragraphs.
  • When a story is published, its first few paragraphs are added to its ArcGIS item description.


  • The header design was updated to improve space utilization.
  • Some visual improvements were made to the preview page.


  • Some embedded PDF items experienced height changes while scrolling through a story; this has been fixed.
  • Replacing the right image of a swipe block no longer displays the new image on the left.
  • Layers occasionally wouldn't load in mapping apps added as sequential items in a collection; this is resolved.

October 20, 2021


  • In print preview, maps or images in the swipe block are displayed side by side.


  • An issue where ArcGIS Living Atlas content did not appear immediately when browsing for maps has been fixed.
  • An issue where, after switching themes, the logo link and alternative text weren't cleared has been fixed.
  • The time slider now works as expected with web scenes.

October 6, 2021


  • You can now duplicate sidecar and slideshow slides containing an express map.
  • You can add a story, app, or a web page to a collection by providing its URL.
  • Time-enabled layers are identified in the map designer's layer list.


  • PDF items hosted on ArcGIS Online that appear in a collection no longer must be opened in a separate browser tab to be viewed on mobile devices.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.21.2.


  • PDF items hosted on ArcGIS Online can be viewed in immersive media panels.
  • An issue in which administrators couldn't favorite stories or collections that weren't owned by a member of their organization has been fixed.

September 22, 2021


  • A new map tour can use a basemap in any projection (ENH-000140361).
  • The experience for adding media to a story has been redesigned.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.21.


  • Members of organizations using Active Directory can login from the ArcGIS StoryMaps home page (BUG-000142100).
  • A story cannot be published while a video is still uploading.
  • The timeline's condensed layout no longer appears unavailable after a sidecar is added to a story.
  • The legend does not stay open after disabling the option to keep it open.
  • Subheadings are aligned properly in Arabic and Hebrew stories (BUG-000142591).
  • The time widget looks better in Arabic and Hebrew stories.
  • A rare issue that caused some stories from the ArcGIS StoryMaps beta period to become inaccessible was addressed.

September 8, 2021


  • The legend can be pinned to keep it open using a new toggle button in the map options (ENH-000140152).
  • A time animation widget can be shown for time-enabled maps.


  • Links to headings and subheadings can now be copied on tablets and other screens down to 960px wide.
  • Map tours created from a feature service can show up to 200 places (increased from 100).


  • The button to close the legend no longer overlaps with long web map layer names.

August 25, 2021


  • Audio clips and buttons can be added to map tour place descriptions.
  • Collections can now optionally show a byline on the overview.


  • Collection layouts are no longer in beta.

August 11, 2021


  • In the theme builder, you now have the option to match the theme's heading color to its background color.
  • Attribution can be added to inline images or to those in a swipe block. Swipe images can now have alternative text, too.


  • Embeds that use a URL parameter to make a server call can use HTTP.


  • Images from ArcGIS content linked to in a story no longer stop working after a period of time.
  • An error no longer occurs when editing a published story that uses a web map that has been deleted or unshared (BUG-000141933).

July 28, 2021


  • Subheading links allow readers to jump to a specific subsection in a story.


  • Timeline is no longer in beta.
  • Collections using tabbed navigation show longer item names (maximum length increased from 30 to 50 characters).


  • Captions with very long hyperlinks no longer cause layout issues on iOS devices.
  • ToolTips show as expected when hovering over truncated collection item titles in the tabbed navigation bar.

July 14, 2021


  • A consent message may be shown for stories that use Google Analytics, informing readers of the anonymous tracking and requiring them to opt in to it.
  • Icons have been added to card action menus for stories, collections, and themes to better identify each option.
  • A new collection can be created with a custom theme already applied via the new Start a new collection option in the theme card action menu.


  • Google Analytics options have been moved to a new tab in the story settings.
  • Organizations must be participating in the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program to add Google Analytics tracking to stories.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.20.2.


  • The copy link tool works as expected in Safari.
  • Copying the link for a collection always generates a link to the collection overview page.
  • An issue where the active tour point marker would not appear on top of all other markers was addressed.

June 30, 2021


  • The condensed layout is available for the timeline block.
  • Section heading links allow readers to jump to a specific section in a story.


  • The author name and publication date are shown on separate lines instead of side by side on all cover layouts.
  • Thumbnail images appear when dragging map blocks (instead of generic icons).


  • If hovering over a tour point, it appears on top of any nearby points (BUG-000140489).
  • An issue with swipe blocks not appearing as expected was addressed.

June 16, 2021


  • Readers can open individual collection items in a separate tab using a new option in the header menu.


  • The experience for configuring a button and its link has been updated.
  • The maximum size for an uploaded image is now 10 MB.
  • Timeline event images are slightly smaller so that more of the timeline is viewable on-screen at once.
  • When a reader encounters an error about an inaccessible story, the browser address bar continues to show the URL the reader attempted to visit.
  • Some visual aspects of collection layouts have been improved.
  • Thumbnail images (instead of generic icons) are shown when dragging media blocks.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript is now loaded using ES modules.


  • A message now appears after attempting to upload an alternate image for an embed that is too large.

June 2, 2021


  • Two new collection overview layouts are available in the design panel: Magazine and Journal.
  • A timeline can be added to a sidecar narrative panel.
  • Readers can share stories directly to LinkedIn.


  • Adding a font from Google Fonts to a theme is no longer in beta.
  • The action menu and sharing buttons in the story and collection headers have been reorganized and include icons to better identify each option.
  • If you are signed in to ArcGIS, you can mark a story as a favorite more easily using a button in the header.
  • The first tour location in a guided tour is centered in the map after the tour block docks into place.
  • Several optimizations have been made to stories' and collections' HTML metatags that provide summary information to social media sites.
  • The sharing, action, and profile menus are hidden when stories and collections are embedded, if the header is shown.
  • A block's thumbnail, if available, is shown while it is being moved via drag and drop.


  • A theme's thumbnail image reflects when a Google Font is being used.
  • An extra connector line will not appear at the end of a timeline if the last event is empty.
  • A caption appears for an embed's alternate image on small screens (BUG-000139459).

May 19, 2021


  • A timeline block has been added with two layouts.
  • A Back button is available on the print preview page.
  • A Privacy link has been added to the ArcGIS StoryMaps footer.


  • The phrase Powered by ArcGIS StoryMaps no longer appears at the bottom of the stories.
  • The spacing between some elements on the cover has been adjusted.
  • The saved extent of a web map is shown when it is used as an express map basemap (ENH-000136252).


  • A story no longer breaks if the author tries to replace a video while it is uploading (BUG-000138511).
  • Autoplay restarts at the beginning of the story.
  • The cache is invalidated for stories that are accessed using a URL parameter (such as 'cover=false').

May 5, 2021


  • You can set media to float on either the right or left side of the story.
  • You can add Survey123 forms to a collection.


  • Report abuse link now points to a survey form.
  • Unsupported browsers are redirected to a new documentation page instead of an internal error page.


  • Live embeds that have been switched to a card can be switched back to live mode again.
  • The expected help ToolTip is available when changing the basemap for an express map.
  • Focus state styles have been updated for item cards to improve accessibility.

April 21, 2021


  • Two new quote styles are available in the theme builder, and you can set the alignment for any of the available quote styles.
  • You can use standard or custom themes for collections.
  • You can configure the story language in story settings to improve readers' experience when using web browser translation tools and assistive technologies.
  • Map tours support setting an initial zoom level that's used for all tour places or setting a custom zoom level for an individual tour place.


  • The Stories, Collections, and Themes pages have a refreshed design and navigation.
  • The builder tools have been moved to a new, separate header to improve the experience of writing stories and collections.
  • Previewing stories and collections has been enhanced with a floating toolbar.
  • In the map designer, you can open a map in the Map Viewer Classic, even if you do not have permission to edit it.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript was updated to version 4.19.


  • Items load as expected in embedded collections.
  • The title and description fields in data-driven tours display only supported HTML.
  • Alternative text is correctly attached to image gallery and swipe blocks.

April 7, 2021


  • The saved extent of a web map is shown when it is used as a map tour basemap.
  • Support has been updated for ArcGIS Dashboards as it comes out of beta.


  • A change in the video playback controls is immediately reflected in the builder and the video preview.
  • Several accessibility issues have been addressed for collections.

March 24, 2021


  • Video playback options are available for uploaded videos in map tour and the media panel of sidecar's docked layout.
  • When creating a map tour from an ArcGIS feature layer, you can set the maximum number of image attachments shown for each place on the Filter & Sort tab of the map tour configuration panel.


  • When creating a map tour from ArcGIS data, the filters for feature layers and feature views have been removed (but both are still available to use).
  • Map tour media are preloaded to improve the reading experience.
  • Media loading has been further optimized for immersive blocks with more than 10 slides.


  • Several issues with the color picker are addressed and its design is improved.
  • Background audio plays continuously across multiple slides when the slide has been duplicated.
  • Using an ampersand in an explorer tour no longer shows unwanted characters when viewing the story.
  • The list view of explorer tours fills the width of the page when printed.
  • SVG images appear as expected when building an image gallery in Firefox.
  • When using an ampersand in the guided tour, the character no longer displays as &amp (BUG-000137377).

March 10, 2021


  • You can add a swipe block to a sidecar media panel.
  • Additional options are available for configuring the embed experience for readers on large screens. Authors can choose to show a button to open the embed in a new tab and to hide the click-to-interact overlay, making the embed immediately interactive.
  • When web map items are used as a basemap in express maps or map tours, permissions are checked to prevent sharing issues.


  • The sharing level of a published theme is no longer reset if changes are published. This caused the theme to be removed from any groups to which it had been shared, including the approved theme group.
  • The Organization settings page no longer shows an error if the approved themes group has been deleted.
  • An incorrect ToolTip is no longer shown on the publish button for the story owner or administrators.
  • Linked videos render in the expected position in embedded stories.

February 24, 2021


  • The Organization settings page allows administrators to configure approved themes that are available for organization members to use.
  • Size options are available for the narrative panel in explorer tours.
  • A thumbnail image is automatically generated and stored for all uploaded videos. The thumbnail image is shown initially for videos that are set to click-to-play, or if the video cannot be loaded. You can replace the thumbnail from the video options.
  • Language support for Slovak has been added.


  • The explorer map tour is no longer in beta.
  • Map actions are no longer in beta.
  • Themes are no longer in beta.
  • The marker symbol has been updated to look better when multiple symbols overlap in a map tour.
  • There's more space between the cover (full and side-by-side) and first block in the story.
  • Transitioned to using ArcGIS platform encrypted cookie.


  • Alternative images added for embeds are now saved as expected.
  • Custom image marker symbols now appear in the legend.
  • Image galleries look as expected in print layout.
  • All header elements have a proper hover state.

February 10, 2021


  • The image gallery block has been added.
  • Use an ArcGIS feature layer or view to populate your map tour.
  • Use fonts from Google Fonts in a theme.
  • Choose from several link styles in the theme builder.
  • The color picker is available in the text formatting toolbar.
  • You can disable click-to-expand for inline images.

January 27, 2021


  • IP addresses are now anonymized when using Google Analytics v3.
  • Large and medium embeds have margins to prevent readers from getting scroll-trapped.


  • Text wrapping and alignment is improved for longer, translated badges.
  • Clearer messaging appears when converting a text block with a map action.
  • Theme color now appears as expected for captions.

January 13, 2021


  • Inline videos with the click-to-play option no longer loop.
  • GIFs animate when used as a full-width separator.
  • URL parameter to show header on an embedded story works again.
  • Story no longer breaks if a blank embed URL is added (BUG-000136462).
  • Sidecar narrative panel background no longer shifts when other windows are open.
  • Map action link no longer persists if its configuration is cancelled.
  • A ToolTip indicates when sidecar media panel map configuration is disabled because a map action is active.

December 16, 2020


  • You can add link-style map actions to text in a sidecar narrative panel.
  • A visual color picker is available in the map designer and the theme builder.
  • You can upload an image and use it as a separator in the theme builder.
  • Stories now support the new Google Analytics 4 measurement ID format in addition to the current tracking ID (BUG-000135527).


  • Docked sidecars have a new slide navigation bar.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript was updated to version 4.18.


  • Image quality is improved when an image is expanded (BUG-000135549).
  • Image quality is improved when a story is viewed on a retina display.
  • Unexpected color variation was addressed for images with an uncommon metadata format.
  • Web map captions no longer persist after being deleted (BUG-000134023).

December 2, 2020


  • You can now add sidecar and credits headings as story navigation links.


  • Captions for maps no longer persist after being deleted (BUG-000134023).
  • Quality of expanded images is no longer reduced (BUG-000135549).
  • Headings near floated media items are available to use in story navigation.
  • Expanding a map on an iOS device works as expected.

November 18, 2020


  • Administrators receive a warning when editing or publishing someone else's content.
  • You can create and use feature groups to customize how express map content is organized.
  • Separator alignment and width options are available in the theme builder.
  • You can duplicate items from their card's quick actions menu on the stories, collections, and themes pages.


  • The theme preview scrolls to the active element.


  • You can expand express map pop-ups again.

November 4, 2020


  • Coauthors can publish changes to stories and collections.
  • You can publish stories and collections to shared update groups.
  • You can filter stories, collections, maps, and items by group on the new My Groups and My Organization tabs.
  • A new Large paragraph style is available from the text formatting toolbar.


  • My Groups and My Organization tabs have replaced Shared with me.
  • The story header and footer now use the current theme font.


  • A map action's extent no longer resets unexpectedly after panning the map (BUG-000132904).
  • The issue of the text formatting toolbar sometimes not showing the correct block type after a block is converted has been fixed.

October 26, 2020


  • You can set symbol colors for individual points, lines, and areas features in express maps.
  • You can set symbol sizes for individual points, and you can upload and use images for point symbols in express maps.
  • You can create a map tour by uploading a set of photos.
  • Authors can choose to show a story's initial publish date or the last updated date on the cover.


  • The block palette has a new compact design.
  • The text formatting toolbar has been enhanced with a clearer way to convert between text block types.
  • The animation between sidecar slides is smoother when layer visibility changes.
  • The image loading experience has been improved.
  • A proxy is now used for content coming from external servers, which eliminates some Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors. This means image symbols and GIS services hosted outside the domain will now work in more cases.
  • When deleting a theme, a list of affected stories is shown.
  • Search engines are prompted to index newly published stories.


  • Legend correctly shows visible layers when a map action is active (BUG-000132237).
  • Several date formatting bugs were fixed for different locales.
  • You can mark stories and collections owned by others as favorites again.
  • Color picker elements are announced by screen readers.

September 30, 2020


  • The new explorer map tour block allows readers to browse a large set of places in grid or list view.
  • Playback options for uploaded videos allow configuration of autoplay and video controls.
  • You can set an express map basemap by browsing and selecting a web map.
  • You can specify a logo as part of a theme.
  • Four additional fonts are added in the theme builder (Arial, Georgia, Neue Helvetica, and Verdana).


  • Story navigation link limit has increased to 30 (from 10).
  • Alternative text box now expands when entering more text.
  • Image loading has been further optimized by taking advantage of new resizing options.
  • Swipe is no longer in beta.
  • Better messaging is shown when a map or scene is not available.
  • Switching to a custom theme will reset any color or font pairing overrides.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript updated to version 4.17.


  • Uploaded images are no longer rotated in certain cases.
  • Group menu in the sharing panel now dismisses as expected.
  • Text formatting is better preserved during copy and paste and converting between block types.
  • Adding an SVG as a logo no longer throws an error.
  • Odd shadow no longer appears behind the Add to collection button on Safari.
  • Extra characters no longer appear in the design panel in Hebrew.

September 9, 2020


  • Theme builder has been added in the profile menu.
  • Support for SVG images has been added.


  • Coauthors can duplicate stories and collections.
  • New stories start with minimal cover instead of full cover.
  • Immersive builder panel is initially expanded instead of collapsed.
  • Button text color changes to ensure sufficient contrast with accent color for accessibility.


  • WAV files now load as expected when viewing a story.
  • You can navigate the block palette using the keyboard.
  • Text wraps work as expected in express map pop-ups.

August 26, 2020


  • You can edit collection item details.
  • You can hide the cover for a story that appears in a collection.
  • You can use photo geotags to locate guided tour places.
  • Replace media option is available for images and videos.


  • Formatting controls are no longer hidden by the story navigation bar.
  • Duplicating a story does not include unpublished changes.
  • Text does not appear below credits when entering it next to floated media.
  • Long links do not extend out of sidecar panels on small screens.
  • Tapping the attribution icon shows attribution on touch devices.
  • Security updates are included.

August 12, 2020


  • Fit and fill options are enabled for swipe images.
  • Circle and rectangle drawing tools have been added to express maps.


  • Color contrast on publish state labels has been updated to improve accessibility.
  • The express maps drawing toolbar has been consolidated into groups.


  • Immersive blocks show the expected slide when a story navigation link is used.
  • List items are positioned properly next to floating media.
  • Dragging an image onto the story builder does not open the local image in a new tab.
  • Audio plays as expected on Safari and can be scrubbed as expected on all supported browsers.
  • Keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and color contrast have been improved for the profile menu, toggle buttons, publish state badges, and full-screen media experience.

July 29, 2020


  • Add a logo to a collection.
  • A mosaic thumbnail is generated when a collection is published.
  • Icons have been added to cards in the Add to collection browser to indicate item types.
  • Retrieve code to embed a story or collection via the header menu in published stories and collections.
  • Hide cover and header using URL parameters.
  • Format headings and subheadings with color.


  • The collection item limit has been increased from 30 to 60.
  • Previewing a collection from the Design panel opens in the same tab as the first item in the collection so that the navigation bar is visible.
  • The embed bar is no longer shown at the bottom of classic stories when they appear in a collection.
  • The Quick actions menu has been added and made consistent for item cards.
  • Text options have been consolidated into a single Text item in the content block palette. After adding text, the toolbar appears with heading, subheading, list, and quote options.
  • When placing a map, clicking Cancel in the map designer returns to the map browser instead of the story builder.
  • Transitions have been improved when jumping to the top of a story during autoplay or when clicking the title in the header.
  • Learning and resource links have been updated on the Stories page.
  • Icons have been refreshed throughout ArcGIS StoryMaps.


  • The issue that caused story duplication to fail in some cases has been corrected.
  • Transparent header space on embedded collections has been corrected.
  • Hyperlinks with color formatting show as expected in print view.
  • The short link generator no longer makes duplicate calls.

July 8, 2020


  • An uncommon issue in which express map points moved to 0,0 coordinates has been corrected.

July 2, 2020


  • An issue in which the initial extent of guided tours was not being honored has been corrected.
  • Incorrect error message no longer appears when duplicating a story.

July 1, 2020


  • Tabbed and bulleted navigation options have been added for collections.
  • Transparent panel styles have been added for floating sidecar.
  • The swipe block (beta) compares two images.
  • Use a web map from your content, favorites, or organization as a guided tour basemap.
  • Use a map from ArcGIS Living Atlas as a guided tour basemap.
  • Specify any color (via hex code) for express map layers.


  • Map designer for maps and scenes reflects layer scale dependency.
  • WAV files are supported for inline and background audio.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript was updated to version 4.16.


  • Many accessibility updates have been made to improve keyboard navigation and screen reader experiences.

June 17, 2020


  • A compass widget appears when a web map is rotated.


  • A story with many embeds is less likely to crash on iOS.
  • Geolocation for embedded ArcGIS apps is permitted.
  • Background audio fixes have been made.

June 3, 2020


  • Notification appears in the header when ArcGIS StoryMaps has been updated.
  • Audio (.mp3 files or hosted audio from the web) is supported in inline blocks and background audio in sidecar slides.
  • The swipe block (beta) compares two maps.
  • Drag and drop immersive blocks.
  • The option to disable map navigation has been added.
  • Choose from a larger selection of basemaps for express maps and guided tours.
  • The option to group points in express maps has been added.
  • Docked sidecar panel width options have been added.
  • Copy the link or embed code for existing embeds.
  • Images expand to a full-screen view when clicked.


  • Moved collections navigation controls to the top of the screen.
  • Annotation collision detection has been added in express maps.
  • Collections moved to full release.
  • Multidevice preview is available for collections.
  • Add images and PDF items to a collection.
  • Browse ArcGIS Living Atlas stories and apps by category and add them to a collection.
  • Format captions with color.
  • Add images or videos via a web link to immersive media panels.
  • Add search results as guided tour points.
  • Autoplay jumps to the top of the story after it reaches the end (instead of scrolling back up); clicking the title of the story in the header also immediately jumps to the top.


  • The express map pop-up image updates after uploading.
  • You can disable the legend for web scenes.
  • Text color updates have been made for hyperlinks in the credits section.
  • Enabling story navigation in certain cases no longer crashes the builder.
  • Story navigation shows the correct section when scrolling up through a story.
  • Nonbreaking space character code no longer appears in navigation link.
  • Web map pop-ups work on mobile devices and are themed correctly.
  • Video uploads greater than 20 MB are supported in the story cover and immersive media panels.

April 8, 2020


  • Duplicate a story or collection.
  • Enable in-story navigation bar.
  • The sidecar floating panel layout has been added.
  • New themes have been added: Slate and Tidal.
  • Styling options have been added for express map annotations.


  • Add videos as media for guided tour.
  • Browse ArcGIS Living Atlas content by category.
  • The collection overview layout has been improved.
  • The experience for adding items to a collection in the builder has been updated.
  • Add ArcGIS Experience Builder web experiences, ArcGIS Hub sites, and ArcGIS Insights pages to a collection.
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript was updated to version 4.15.


  • Map actions are reversible on small screens.
  • Map actions work as expected in duplicated slides.
  • Pasting text into map action buttons and headings works as expected.
  • The process for using enterprise logins to access private stories has been improved.
  • Rich embeds display live in the sidecar narrative panel where appropriate.
  • The situation in which autoplay speed increased after interacting with the story has been corrected.
  • Merging and splitting block quotes works as expected.
  • Issues in which text or media blocks were not inserted into the correct place have been corrected.

January 22, 2020


  • Guided tour block (beta) has been added.
  • Map actions in sidecar blocks (beta) have been added.
  • Credits block at the end of a story has been added.
  • Print a story (beta).


  • Format paragraph text with color and format headings with italics.
  • Fit and fill settings for video media on the cover or in an immersive media panel.
  • Style options for slideshow narrative panels have been enhanced.
  • Publish stories privately or to a group.
  • Full-page preview mode has been added to the device previews.
  • Snap points and leader lines to other feature vertices when editing express maps.
  • Hide social sharing icons on published stories.
  • Edit card details.
  • An option has been added to show an alternate image for embeds on small screens.


  • Many fixes and stabilization improvements have been made.

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  109. January 22, 2020