Use Daily Activity Dashboard

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Daily Activity Dashboard solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you manage incident data, monitor daily activity, and identify current incident hot spots.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Monitor daily activity

Place-based policing uses mapping to understand where activity is concentrating to optimize operational responses for maximum crime-reduction benefit. Consequently, a fundamental requirement of place-based policing is the ability to use mapping to monitor activity on a day-to-day basis, maintaining awareness of where activity is clustering and coordinating allocation of personnel resources to address it.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a district captain who will use the Daily Activity Dashboard to monitor yesterday's crime and calls-for-service activity in their area.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Daily Activity Dashboard app.
  2. From the item page, click View Dashboard.
  3. On the Overview tab, review the high-level metrics.

    By default, the dashboard displays activity for the entire agency for the current seven days. On the right, calls-for-service median response time (in minutes) is displayed by day, and calls-for-service volume is displayed by day, district, and top five call types. On the right, crime volumes are displayed by day, district, and top five crime types. These high-level metrics enable a district captain to rapidly understand recent workload in their area so they can make smarter staffing decisions.

    On the top, in the header, selectors can be used to refine all dashboard results.

  4. To view yesterday's activity within a single district, click Map dates and select Yesterday, and then click District and select a value.

    All dashboard elements filter to reflect your selections.

  5. At the bottom of the dashboard, click the Calls for service tab.

    The Calls for service tab includes a map that displays yesterday's calls-for-service activity in the selected district. Larger points on the map indicate a cluster; the larger the point, the more calls for service are clustered in that area.

  6. Click a point to view the number of incidents within the cluster, and then click Browse features to select a specific call.
  7. Click the address of the call to view the pop-up for that specific call for service within the cluster.
  8. Use the charts and tables to filter and explore calls for service.

    Dashboard elements are linked. If you click a chart bar or table row, related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard. You can select more than one bar or row.

  9. In the Call list panel, click a call record to view a pop-up and zoom to the call's location on the map.
  10. To download Call list records to a CSV file, click Download data at the bottom left of the list.

    The Call counts table can also be downloaded to a CSV file by clicking Download data. To download counts and median response time by call type, click Summarized data. To download call records, click Source data

  11. At the bottom of the dashboard, click the Crimes tab.
  12. Repeat these steps to explore crime activity.
  13. To remove all filters and return the dashboard to its original state, click Reset in the bottom right of the dashboard.

Understand hot spots of activity

Effective implementation of place-based policing requires that organizations not only understand where activity clusters (to focus operational resources), but to understand why it occurs there so that appropriate and effective tactics can be applied by the resources assigned.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a district captain who will use the Daily Activity Dashboard app to identify a crime hotspot and explore its characteristics so that an appropriate response can be planned.

  1. In a browser, verify you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Daily Activity Dashboard app.

    The dashboard's header includes selectors that can be used to refine all dashboard results. By default, the dashboard displays all activity for the current seven days.

  2. Select a value from District to view activity for a specific district.
  3. At the bottom of the dashboard, click the Crimes tab.

    The Crimes tab includes a map that displays crime activity for the current seven days, filtered by the selected district. Larger points on the map indicate a cluster; the larger the point, the more calls for service are clustered in that area. Underneath the points on the map is a Crimes hot spots layer. This layer uses a graduated color scale to display density of crimes. The layer is dependent on the number of points on the map and will not display if the density of incidents is low.

  4. In the Crime counts chart, click a crime type to filter the map and all other elements on the tab.

    Dashboard elements are linked. If you click a chart bar or table row, related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard. You can select more than one bar or row.

  5. Zoom to a concentration of crimes on the map.

    To zoom, use the wheel button or click the plus button on the map.

  6. On the map, next to the Select button, click the down arrow, and then click Lasso.
  7. Use the lasso selection tool to draw a circle around the concentration of crimes that you identified.

    The number of records selected appears next to the selection tool. The crime incidents flash on the map, and all elements on the Crimes tab filter to display records for the incidents selected. For example, the Report hour and Report weekday charts now display when the selected hot spot is most active; this information can be used to inform when to run directed patrols in the area of the hotspot.

  8. Use the charts and tables to filter the records further, if necessary.
  9. In the Crimes list, click a call record to view a pop-up and zoom to its location on the map.
  10. To download Crimes list records to a CSV file, click Download data at the bottom left of the list.

    The Crime counts table can also be downloaded to a CSV file by clicking Download data. To download counts and median response time by call type, click Summarized data. To download call records, click Source data

  11. To clear the map selection, on the map, click the x next to the number of selected records.

    All dashboard elements return to their original values.

  12. At the bottom of the dashboard, click the Calls for service tab.
  13. Repeat these steps to identify and understand calls-for-service hot spots.
  14. To remove all filters and return the dashboard to its original state, click Reset in the bottom right of the dashboard.