Use Community Data Aggregation

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Community Data Aggregation solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you transform and load data source data (for example, addresses and parcels) in to target dataset with a standard information model.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

This solution supports two parcel data aggregation models, both of which are supported by the same set of tools:

  • The Contributor Model allows authoritative data producers to update the community layers directly on a regular schedule.
  • The Aggregator Model allows authoritative data producers to send their data to a community aggregator so the community layer can be updated.

Choose a parcel data aggregation model (Contributor or Aggregator) and configure the Data Assistant to load your source data.

A quick tour of Data Assistant

The Data Assistant add-In includes a set of focused tools that are organized on a Data Assistant toolbar. These tools enable you to create data mapping files and load or replace data in your target datasets.

ToolTool nameDescription
New File tool icon for Data Assistant add-inNew File

Creates a new source-target configuration file for the selected source and target datasets.

Data Mapper tool icon for Data Assistant add-inData Mapper

Enables users to define the field mapping and settings for the selected source-target configure file.

Preview tool icon for Data Assistant add-inPreview

Creates a preview of the output from the source-target configuration file in a local database with a sub-set of records.

Stage data tool icon for Data Assistant add-inStage

Stage Results in a local database using a subset of the records, skip final processing.

Append data tool icon for Data Assistant add-inAppend Data

Appends data into the target dataset from the source dataset according to the settings in the source-target configuration file.

Replace data tool icon for Data Assistant add-inReplace Data

When the Replace By Field Value option has been enabled and configured, replaces data in the target dataset from the source dataset according to the settings in the source-target configuration file.

Settings tool icon for Data Assistant add-inSettings

Optional settings for the data mapping tool.

Load data using Data Assistant add-in

The Data Assistant add-in can be used by organization staff in order to migrate data from a source to target dataset, as well as schedule automated updates of the community layers.

Update community layer

The Data Assistant Add-In includes a series of tools that have been optimized for migrating data to the CommunityParcels and CommunityAddresses hosted feature layers, as well as updating this data on a regular interval.

To migrate your source data to one of the hosted feature layers provided and configure updates, complete the following steps:

  1. Open your data aggregation project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and make it the active portal.
  3. Click the Data Assistant ribbon.
  4. In the Source Dataset parameter, browse to the source dataset, and then click OK.
  5. In the Target Dataset parameter, browse to the CommunityParcels or CommunityAddresses dataset, and then click OK.
  6. In the Source-Target Configuration File parameter, browse to an output location and provide a name, and then click OK.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Click Data Mapper and select the Configuration File you created previously. Click Fields.
  9. Select the source fields and review the initial field mapping. Configure any additional fields and required data assistant methods. Once complete, click Apply.

    For hosted feature layers in ArcGIS Online, navigate to the Data tab and click Fields to find more information about each field in the data model.

  10. Optionally, click Preview and select a configuration file. Specify the Number of Features you'd like to generate in the preview. Click Run.
  11. Click Append Data or Replace Data and select the Configuration File you created previously.
    • If you are contributing or aggregating data for the first time, choose Append Data. This tool will add all features in the source dataset to the target dataset.
    • If you are updating data that already exists in the target dataset, choose Replace Data. This tool will use a defined query to replace specific features in the target dataset.
  12. Click Run.

In the Settings tool, the Update Match Library option can be used to use the updated field mapping to use fuzzy logic in order to speed up data loading in the future.

Schedule updates

The Data Assistant tools can be used with Windows Task Scheduler to update layers on a regular interval. Scheduled updates will ensure users have access to current information to support more dynamic decision-making.

To update community data on a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Using ArcGIS Pro, open the Python window
  2. Import ArcPy by typing the following command:

    import arcpy

  3. Import a python toolbox from the Data Assistant tools by typing the following command:


  4. Specify your XML configuration file by typing the following command:



    Using the Append Data and the Replace data tools, you can specify multiple XML files, separate each XML file with “;”

  5. Right-click in python window and choose to Save Transcript, this will save a new python file.
  6. Open Windows Task Scheduler.

    Use Windows Start menu search box to find Windows Task Scheduler.

  7. Select Action > Create Task and name your task.
  8. Select the Actions tab and click New.
  9. Set Action to Start a Program.
  10. Browse to the location of your ArcGIS Pro python installation.
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\Scripts\propy.bat
  11. In the Add Arguments text box, enter the full path of the script saved in step 5.