Use Daily Activity Dashboard

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Daily Activity Dashboard solution allows you to source incident records from computer-aided dispatch or records management systems, visualize law enforcement incidents, and monitor trends or patterns.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Understand recent patterns of activity

Daily Activity Dashboard allows supervisors to use data about recent trends and patterns to make smarter resource deployment decisions within their scope of control.

In this workflow, you will earn how to use the Daily Activity Dashboard solution to explore recent crime, call for service, and arrest data to discover patterns of interest for operational responses.

Visualize recent activity

Follow these steps to visualize recent activity by precinct:

  1. In a browser, go to the Daily Activity Dashboard app.
  2. In the panel on the left side, click the Date drop-down list, and select Last 28 days.

    The map now displays all calls, crimes, and arrests from the previous day. Calls for service will appear as blue circles with a phone icon, arrests will appear as gray circles with a handcuff icon, and crimes will appear in multiple colors—navy for violent crime, gold for property crime, and light gray for lesser crimes. Each crime type has its own unique symbol type.

  3. Select a precinct from the Precinct drop-down list.

    The indicator elements on the right side display totals for each layer based on the filter selected.


    You may continue to apply as many filters as you want—the filters will continue to narrow down the incidents displayed on the map based on the parameters you specify in your filter. To cancel your filter, click any filter and select All.

  4. Click one of the incident points on the map. A pop-up in the upper left corner of the map will appear, displaying key facts about the incident, including the date, location, and incident type.

    Crimes, calls for service, and arrests layers all have slightly different fields. So the specific fields you observe in the pop-up may differ depending on the type of incident layer that you clicked.

  5. Click Zoom in to zoom in to an incident on your map using the scroll wheel on your mouse forward. Reversing the scroll wheel zooms the map out. Alternatively, you may click the zoom in and zoom out buttons located in the lower left corner of the map to control zoom level.
  6. Select the basemap icon in the upper right corner of the map that looks like four maps. Then select the Imagery Hybrid basemap to see the imagery near the incident.
  7. When finished, reset each filter to All.

Explore calls for service activity

In this workflow, you will be preparing for a meeting with a neighborhood association. The group is particularly concerned about Friday night quality of life issues such as vice, drugs, alcohol complaints, and loud parties.

  1. Click the Calls for Service tab in the lower middle of the dashboard.
  2. Select a precinct from the Precinct filter list.
  3. In the Day of Week filter, select a day of the week.

    You can now see the number of calls for service in your selected precinct, as well as a breakdown of the day of week, hour of day, and call for service type.

  4. Browse the Call for Service list to find any report of Vice/Alcohol/Narcotics or Loud Party Or Noise. Click the first record you find.

    As you click, the map will zoom to the location of the call and flash a pink halo around the location.

  5. Click the point to open a map pop-up to get the specific location of the call, the officer who responded, date of call, call type, and call ID.
  6. When finished, reset all filters to the All.

Explore crime activity

You have just received grant funding to implement addition patrols in problem areas for burglary. To identify where and when to run these patrols, you would like to review all Burglaries year to date.

  1. Click the Crimes tab in the lower middle of the dashboard.
  2. Select Year to date in the Date filter.
  3. Select Burglary in the Activity Type filter.

    The results on the dashboard will show all Burglaries year to date. In the Days of Week chart at the bottom of the dashboard, we can see that Burglaries peak slightly on certain days of the week. Additionally, you can see the Hour of Day when burglaries appear to be most active.

  4. Click any bar in the bar charts to filter the map for just the burglaries occurring in that period.

    This filtering capability helps you to search for unique time-specific spatial patterns that may indicate the work of a serial offender.

  5. When finished, reset all filters to All.

To deactivate a filter from a chart, click the chart bar again.

Explore arrest activity

Your first shift sergeant has recommended a commendation for an officer who has made several recent high-profile arrests. To consider the commendation, you need to review the recent arrests made by the officer.

  1. Click the Arrests tab in the lower middle of the dashboard
  2. Select the officer's id number from the Officer filter

    You can now see all arrests made by the officer. Zoom in to the extent of the arrests.


    The number in the Officer filter refers to each officer’s badge number.

  3. Click one of the arrest records in the list.

    As you click, the map will zoom to the location of the arrest and flash a pink halo around the location.

  4. Click the arrest point to open a map pop-up to get the specific location of the arrest, the officer who responded, date of arrest, arrest type, and arrest ID.
  5. When you are done, close the Daily Activity Dashboard.