The ROW Permitting solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you collect and organize permit applications, coordinate the permit review process, gather feedback during permit review, and share approved permits with internal and external stakeholders.
In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.
Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.Submit a permit application
First, you will assume the role of a resident in the community. You want to host a block party in your neighborhood and close the street for the weekend.
- In a browser, from the ROW Permitting solution, view the ROW Permit form.
- In the Applicant Information section, provide your contact information.
- Leave the Contractor Information section blank, as this work does not require a contractor.
- In the Job Information section, search for the street that you want to close, and then place the point along that street.
- For Type, choose Temporary Use.
- For Subtypes, check the Neighborhood Festival check box.
- For Description, provide a brief description.
- For Site Plan \ Construction Drawings, if applicable, upload a drawing of where the road blocks should begin and end.
- For Proposed Start Date and Proposed Completion Date, choose dates for the closure.
- For Lane Closure Required, choose No.
- Sign the form, and then click Submit.
Manage permit status
You will now assume the role of a supervisor in the public works department. It is your job to review and triage permit requests and ensure the permit application is reviewed by the correct people.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the ROW Permitting solution.
- View the ROW Permit Manager app.
All permit applications are listed in the table at the top. The table can be sorted and filtered in various ways.
- Click a permit with a status of Submitted.
The permit application details open at the lower left.
- On the Details tab, review the permit application information, and then click the Edit Record button
- For Status, choose StaffReview.
- Click Save.
The permit is now displayed in the ROW Permit Review app and can be shared with other departments or agencies to provide their feedback and approval. After all departments have approved the permit, you'll change the status in the ROW Permit Manager app to BoardReview.
- Click the Edit Record button again.
- For Status, choose BoardReview.
- Click Save.
The permit is now displayed in the ROW Permit Public Comment app and can be shared with the general public for feedback. If public feedback is positive and you are ready to approve the permit, you'll change the status to Approved.
- Click the Edit Record button again.
- For Status, choose Approved.
- Click Approved/Denied Date and choose the current date.
- For Approved State Date and Approved Completion Date, specify values that signify the dates that the permit is valid.
- Click Save.
Conduct internal review
You will now assume the role of a supervisor in the public safety department. A permit application requesting a street closure has been submitted. You will review the permit details to confirm that all the necessary information is provided and that you don’t have any concerns.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the ROW Permitting solution.
- View the ROW Permit Review app.
- On the right, click a permit application in the list.
If no permit applications are listed, return to the previous workflows and ensure that at least one permit application has a status of StaffReview.
- Review the details, and then click the Add a comment button.
- For Organization, choose Public Works.
- Provide your name and comments.
- For Action Taken, choose Approved.
- Click Submit.
Find approved and pending permits
As an engaged resident, you are interested in learning more about the active and planned work in the community.
- In a browser, from the ROW Permitting solution, view the ROW Permit Locator app.
The app opens with the Locate ROW Permit widget open on the right.
- In the Locate ROW Permit widget, search for an address; alternatively, click the location on the map.
Any permits that are pending or approved appear at the bottom of the widget.
- If necessary, use the slider to increase the search distance and view additional permit applications.
- Click Pending or Approved, and then explore the permits that are within the specified search distance of the address.
- At the top of the list, click the Back button to return to the permit list and continue exploring nearby permits.
Pending permits have a Comment hyperlink that opens the ROW Permit Public Comment app. This app can be used by the general public to provide their feedback or concerns on the proposed work.
Provide public comments
Many communities have statutory public notice requirements that community members must be given the opportunity to express concerns about proposed developments and work within the public right-of-way. As a concerned resident, you will review the pending permits in the community and provide feedback instead of attending a council or commission meeting.
- In a browser, from the ROW Permitting solution, view the ROW Permit Public Comment app.
- Click a permit application in the list.
If no permit applications are listed, return to the previous workflows and ensure that at least one permit application has a status of BoardReview.
- Review the details, and then click the Add a comment button.
- Provide your name, address, and comments.
- Click Submit.
Monitor permit applications
Finally, you will assume the role of a supervisor in the public works department. It is your job to ensure that permits are moving through the application process and being approved or denied in a timely manner.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the ROW Permitting solution.
- View the ROW Permit Dashboard app.
- On the left, adjust the filters to refine the results.
- On the right, in the Permits panel, click a permit application to view a pop-up with application details; alternatively, click a permit on the map.