Use Road Network Data Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Road Network Data Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you maintain a standard set of public road layers, streamline road data management workflows, track maintenance agreements, and continuously improve the quality of public road information.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Manage road network data

You will start by assuming the role of a mapping technician responsible for maintaining an inventory of public roads, road intersections, and physical road characteristics. The Road Network Data Management ArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help guide you through these workflows.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Road Network Data Management solution.
  2. Download the Road Network Data Management desktop application template, and then unzip the folder.
  3. From the unzipped folder, open the Road Network Data Management ArcGIS Pro project in ArcGIS Pro.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Road Network Data Management task item.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  5. In the Tasks pane, expand the How to use Road Network Data Management task group to see the collection of tasks.

Add roads

Roads are line segments representing centerlines of all public roadways or carriageways that support asset management and mapping. Typically, this information is compiled from authoritative road centerlines maintained for addressing purposes.

  1. To add new public roads, follow the steps in the Add roads task.

Add intersections

When creating new roads, existing roads are split at intersections along the new road. An inventory of road intersections with the names of relevant crossroads is often required by 911 systems and to manage right-of-way assets.

  1. To add new road intersections, follow the steps in the Add intersections task.

Add road characteristics

A series of map layers is used to track the characteristics (for example, ownership, functional classification, speed limit, physical characteristics, and special routes) of each public road. The feature classification and type schema for the roads is based on a functional classification of roads provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Specific attributes and default values vary for each feature type.

  1. To add new road characteristics, follow the steps in the Add road characteristics task.

Track maintenance agreements

You will now assume the role of an engineer or operations staff at a public works agency. You are responsible for managing the legal agreements defining maintenance services provided by the agency for assets within the public right-of-way.

  1. In a browser, from the Road Network Data Management solution, view the Road Maintenance Agreements app.

    The app opens with the Create Maintenance Agreement open on the right.

  2. In the Create Maintenance Agreement widget, choose a template.
  3. Click the map to start a sketch.
  4. Click the map to add additional vertices and double-click to finish the sketch.

    After you finish the sketch, the Road Maintenance Agreements legal agreement form opens in the Create Maintenance Agreement widget.

  5. Complete the details of the legal agreement.
  6. Click Save.
  7. At the top right, click the Filter Maintenance Agreement button to open the widget.
  8. Filter for the asset type that you just added.
  9. On the map, select an agreement to view its details.