You can perform quality control workflows on CAD data using validation checks that are configured using the Validation command on the ArcGIS Indoors for AutoCAD ribbon. When you click Check, all validation checks for the configured validation settings run to detect conditions in CAD data that may interfere with successful import into a geodatabase. The validation checks that you can configure to run on CAD data are described in the sections below.
Unclosed Shape
The Unclosed Shape check searches for gaps or discontinuity in the linework defining a room, corridor, or other space. This may occur when entity endpoints are not snapped. Unconnected endpoints are marked with dashed cyan squares, as shown in the following image:

The Unclosed Shape check is enabled when you configure the Unit Boundaries tab.
The Unclosed Shape check does not detect gaps between closed shapes with no dangling endpoints. You can use the BOUNDARY command in Autodesk AutoCAD to detect these types of gaps by enclosing the floor plan with a closed polyline.
Unclosed shapes can prevent other validation checks from successfully detecting and marking issues, such as missing unit names. It is recommended that you address results from the Unclosed Shape check first, and run validation checks again before addressing other check results.
The Self-Intersection check searches for self-intersecting or self-overlapping entities in the linework defining a room, corridor, or other space. This may occur when a polyline doubles back or crosses itself. Intersections and endpoints are marked with a dashed cyan square, as shown in the following image:

The Self-Intersection check is enabled when you configure the Unit Boundaries tab.
The Self-Intersection check does not detect intersections between multiple entities; it only detects where an entity intersects itself. You can use the OVERKILL command in AutoCAD to clean up double-backs and other kinds of unnecessary overlaps in CAD linework.
Unit Name Missing
The Unit Name Missing check searches for unit spaces with no unit name text positioned inside the space. This may occur when a unit name text entity’s justification point is positioned outside the unit space. Affected units are marked with a cyan polyline and hatching, as shown in the following image:

The Unit Name Missing check is enabled when you configure the Unit Names tab.
ArcGIS Indoors does not support the use of leader objects to place text outside the unit space. When text is in a block, the block’s base point must be positioned inside the unit space. You can use the JUSTIFYTEXT command in AutoCAD to change the justification point of text objects without changing their locations.
Unit Name Not Unique
The Unit Name Not Unique check searches for multiple unit spaces with the same name or single unit spaces with multiple names. Affected units have text marked with a dashed cyan square, as shown in the following images:

The Unit Name Not Unique check is enabled when you configure the Unit Names tab.
Multiple instances of the same name can exist inside large unit spaces, such as exhibition halls or long hallways. Spaces and capitalization are ignored by this check.
Unit Use Type Missing
The Unit Use Type Missing check searches for unit spaces with no use type text positioned inside the space. This may occur when the text entity’s justification point is positioned outside the unit space. Affected units are marked with a cyan polyline and hatching, as shown in the following image:

The Unit Use Type Missing check is enabled when you configure the Unit Use Types tab.
ArcGIS Indoors does not support the use of leader objects to place text outside the unit space. When text is in a block, the block’s base point must be positioned inside the unit space. You can change how text is justified to reposition the justification point without repositioning the text.
Unit Use Type Not Identical
The Unit Use Type Not Identical check searches for unit spaces containing multiple use types. Affected text is marked with a dashed cyan square, as shown in the following image:

The Unit Use Type Not Identical check is enabled when you configure the Unit Use Types tab.
Multiple instances of the same use type value can exist inside large unit spaces, such as exhibition halls or long hallways. Unit use types are case- and space-sensitive when being compared by this check.
Unit Use Type Not Standard
The Unit Use Type Not Standard check searches for use type values that do not match the configured list of standard use type values. Affected text is marked with a dashed cyan square, as shown in the following image:

The Unit Use Type Not Standard check is enabled when you configure the Unit Use Types tab.
Unit use type values are case- and space-sensitive. Use types that do not match the standard values list exactly are marked by this check.