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Essential ArcGIS Indoors for AutoCAD vocabulary

This documentation uses terms that may be unfamiliar or have different meanings in computer aided design (CAD) or GIS contexts. The following definitions can help you understand the meaning of these terms and how they are used.

CAD layer

A component of a CAD drawing file. Drawings contain a collection of entities or elements of varied types and styles visualized as a named stratum. Layers typically include properties such as visibility, color, annotation, and other visual characteristics. The layers in a CAD drawing are listed in the Layer Properties Manager pane of AutoCAD.

Learn more about CAD layers

Closed shape

One or more CAD entities that form a gapless boundary around a unit or other space in a floor plan drawing. In this sense, CAD linework may form a closed shape even if the Closed property of the linework is false.


The specification of what information in a drawing should be included in validation.


A generic term used to describe a fundamental component object in a layer of a drawing, typically with graphic representation such as a point, line, or text.

Feature layer

A GIS data layer with features composed of a single geometry type (such as lines or polygons) and attribute data. In ArcGIS for AutoCAD, a feature layer defines participating CAD entities based on CAD layer, color, or other CAD properties.


A room, corridor, or other traversable space in a floor plan. Not to be confused with a unit of measure, such as feet or meters.

Unit boundary

The linework that defines the boundary of a unit. A unit boundary is typically defined by a combination of entities representing walls, doors, and windows. Closed polyline entities can also define unit boundaries.

Unit name

A value that uniquely identifies a unit on a level (floor) of a facility. The value may be stored in a TEXT or MTEXT entity, or as a block attribute.

Unit use type

A string value that describes how a unit is used, such as Office, Hallway, or Conference Room. The value may be stored in a TEXT or MTEXT entity, or as a block attribute.


The act of checking the geometry or annotation information in a CAD floor plan drawing for conditions that may impact data quality when importing to ArcGIS Indoors.