UI overview

The majority of your time in ArcGIS Earth is spent interacting with the viewport, where layers and services display.

UI overview

Descriptions of the UI elements shown above are as follows:

  1. Expand/Collapse Table of Contents—Expand or collapse the layer list to display the table of contents.
  2. Add Data—Add data from ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, or add local files from your machine.
  3. Draw—Expand to add point, line, polygon, ground overlay, screen overlay, and network links on the map, and save in the table of contents.
  4. Realtime GNSS—Expand to connect GNSS device, use real-time GNSS feed to capture location and record tracks and import historical GNSS data.
  5. Measure—Expand to measure point, line, path, circle, polygon, or 3D distance, and copy measurement information.
  6. Interactive analysis—Expand to perform exploratory 3D analysis, including elevation profile, line of sight analysis, and viewshed analysis in the scene.
  7. Environment Effects—Expand to configure atmosphere effects, terrain exaggeration, underground navigation, and daylight in the scene.
  8. Bookmarks—Click to open the panel to add, edit, and manage bookmarks.
  9. Movie—Click to open the movie editor to create, edit, and export 3D movie clips.
  10. Export—Expand to save and share your work in a map layout, including to save the current view as an image, send a screen capture as an email attachment, or print the current view.
  11. Basemap and Terrain—Add data as basemap or terrain layers. Click the Basemap tab to add or switch basemap layers. Click the Terrain tab to add or choose elevation layers.
  12. Collapse toolbar—Collapse the toolbar.
  13. Sign in—Sign in to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, and manage portal connections.
  14. Settings—Expand to configure general and advanced settings in ArcGIS Earth.
  15. Notification—Click to open the window to view warnings and errors, alerts, important information, and software update notifications.
  16. About—View version information, build number, licensing information, and links to ArcGIS Earth acknowledgments, online help, start-up tips, keyboard shortcuts, and feedback submission.
  17. Full screen—Use the entire computer screen for browsing data. Press the Esc key or click the Full screen button again to return to standard view.
  18. Search and Directions—Search for a place-name, an address, or the coordinates of a location. Click Directions embedded in the search bar to get directions between two or more locations.
  19. Navigator—Reorient your scene with north at the top of the viewport. Hover over the center to expand to the full panel of the navigator with more controls.
  20. Resources—Expand or collapse dynamic copyright information of the active layers.
  21. Status bar—View the data loading, rendering, and saving status. Show longitude and latitude, elevation, and eye altitude of the pointer location.