ArcGIS Earth Automation API


ArcGIS Earth Automation API provides the following public interfaces:

GET /arcgisearth/camera

Get the current viewing perspective of the scene.

PUT /arcgisearth/camera

Set or update the viewing perspective of the scene to a specified position.

POST /arcgisearth/flight

Set or update the camera animation when you fly to a target position.

POST /arcgisearth/layer

Add a layer to the table of contents, basemap, or terrain of ArcGIS Earth.

GET /arcgisearth/layer/{id}

Get the loading status of a layer by specifying the layer ID.

DELETE /arcgisearth/layer/{id}

Delete a layer by specifying the layer ID.

DELETE /arcgisearth/layers/{target}

Remove layers from the ArcGIS Earth workspace by target.

GET /arcgisearth/graphics/{id}

Get a graphic by specifying the graphic ID.

POST /arcgisearth/graphics

Add a graphic to ArcGIS Earth.

PATCH /arcgisearth/graphics

Update an existing graphic in ArcGIS Earth.

DELETE /arcgisearth/ graphics/{id}

Delete a graphic by specifying the graphic ID.

GET /arcgisearth/workspace

Get workspace contents in .zip format.

PUT /arcgisearth/workspace

Import a workspace in .zip format to ArcGIS Earth.

DELETE /arcgisearth/workspace

Remove the current workspace from ArcGIS Earth.

GET /arcgisearth/snapshot

Take a snapshot of the current view of ArcGIS Earth.

In this topic
  1. Overview