ArcGIS Earth provides a ready-to-use sample page to demonstrate each method of the RESTful Automation API. You can check the ArcGIS Earth Automation API status from the Advanced application settings and use it directly. The default URL is http://localhost:8000/sample/index.html.
The sample page is hosted on the webRoot directory used by ArcGIS Earth Automation API; the default directory is the user's Documents/ArcGISEarth/automation folder.
Automation API example
This sample demonstrates each method of the Automation API. See ArcGIS Earth Automation API GitHub for source codes and details.
ArcGIS Earth Automation API allows you to control and communicate with ArcGIS Earth.
This sample uses the latest Automation API capabilities for cross-application communication. It demonstrates how to build an add-in for ArcGIS Pro and use it to communicate with ArcGIS Earth via the Automation API. You can download and install the add-in to ArcGIS Pro. Visit ArcGIS Earth Automation API GitHub for source codes and details.