Link chart

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A link chart is a way to visualize relationships between entities in your data, and is a complementary view to the map. A link chart contains two main components: nodes and links. Nodes, which can be visualized as boxes with a symbol and a label inside, represent entities: any person, place, or thing. In the data, you can think of these entities as a row in a table. These entities have traditionally been displayed as point features on a map in ArcGIS. You can add collections of nodes to a link chart by adding one or more layers or stand-alone tables (which are listed in the Contents pane) to the chart as an entity type. Links are the lines that connect nodes in the chart and are the visual representation of a relationship. If a link connects two nodes, it is assumed that these nodes have a relationship of some kind. To draw links, you create relationship types that connect nodes based on common field values. You can also add links manually between nodes.

Map and link chart in ArcGIS Pro