Work with Summary View

AllSource 1.0    |

The Summary View tool allows you to visualize temporal and spatial data on a histogram. You can visualize data and its relationship to time by category. In ArcGIS AllSource, Summary View shows trends in data using timelines, time scales, and other geoprocessing tools.

The Summary View tool allows you to visualizes data in time spans instead of individual events. The Timeline pane displays data on a histogram by grouping multiple events into bins. This difference in visualization allows you to find patterns in the dataset.

To enable Summary View, do the following:

  1. Open a map with Timeline enabled.
  2. Right-click Timeline in the Contents pane and click Open Timeline.

    The Timeline pane appears and shows the data from the map.

  3. On the Timeline contextual tab, in the Summary group, click the Summary View button Summary View.

    The Timeline pane changes from a single lane of data into bins along the timeline that assembles data into groups based on time and category.

Use Timescale

Timescale quickly zooms in or out of a time frame on the timeline. To use Timescale, do the following:

  1. Open a timeline.
  2. On the Timeline contextual tab, in the View group, click the Timescale drop-down arrow.
  3. Choose a time frame to visualize in the Timeline pane.

    The Timeline pane updates to the new timescale.

Use Binning Timespan

Binning Timespan controls the amount of information in the timeline by selecting the time span you want visualized in each bar on the timeline. To use Binning Timespan, do the following:

  1. On the Timeline contextual tab, in the Summary group, click the Binning Timespan drop-down arrow.
  2. Choose a time frame to analyze.

The data in the Timeline pane updates to represent the selected Binning Timespan value.

Return to Chronological View

Chronological View shows the data in the lanes as single events occurring in time instead of grouping them with Summary View. To return to Chronological View, do the following:

  1. On the Timeline contextual tab, in the Summary group, click the Summary View button Summary View to disable Summary View.

By using Summary View and these tools, the Timeline pane is customized from a single lane of data along the timeline into a visualized histogram along the timeline that is ready for analysis.