Work with pop-ups

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When displaying feature layers in a map or scene, you can identify attribute information about a particular feature without making a selection or interfering with an existing selection by opening a pop-up. Use the Explore tool Explore Tool to click a feature, or drag a box while pressing the Ctrl key to identify multiple features. The Pop-up pane displays a list of identified features, grouped by layer, and a formatted array of read-only field attributes.

You can do the following using pop-ups:

  • Streamline your workflow when you want to see a limited list of attributes all the time.
  • Customize pop-up display to format the information in a stylized manner.
  • Pin a pop-up to the screen to compare features.
  • Create and customize pop-ups so they are honored when they're shared in web layers. Pop-ups configured in ArcGIS Online can be used in ArcGIS AllSource and appear in the open map.

    Multiple-column pop-ups are flattened into a single column when published to ArcGIS Online.

  • Display coordinates for individual features as you view their attributes. Copy coordinates for use elsewhere.
  • Select or navigate to identified items from the results list.
  • Flash the identified feature. If the feature is small or the flash is difficult to locate, turn on the Show crosshairs when flashing option on the Navigation tab of the Project options.
  • Copy the records of a feature or a selection of features from the results list.
  • Print an image of the attribute portion of the pop-up.

    Video content is not included when printing a pop-up.

  • Access and configure the display of related data.

    The first 200 related records load automatically. To load any remaining records, scroll down to the last related record and click the Load all button.

  • Access more information about route feature measurements.

Open a pop-up

Pop-up functionality is built into the Explore tool Explore Tool, which is the primary tool for common navigation commands. Click an identifiable feature using the Explore tool to automatically open the Pop-up pane. To open a pop-up for multiple features, press the Ctrl key and drag a box with the Explore tool. To add to an existing list of identified results, press Ctrl+Shift and drag a rectangle to collect any additional features. Layers that do not allow pop-up customization, such as raster or LAS layers, do not support identifying a multifeature result.

The Pop-up pane appears as a floating pane by default and displays all identified results. Use the context menu for each identified feature for additional commands including navigation options, selection, pinning the pop-up, removal, and opening layer properties. A pinned pop-up is for a single feature and is fixed in place. It does not disappear until you close it or return the pop-up to the Pop-up pane and identify new features.


Pop-ups are associated with the map or scene where they originated. Changing focus to another map or scene causes them to disappear; however, open pop-ups reappear once focus is returned. If you float the map or move it to another monitor, the pop-up doesn't move with it.

The order in which pop-ups are presented depends on the Explore tool layer order options. Select an option using the drop-down arrow under the Explore tool Explore Tool on the Map tab. The following options are available:

  • Topmost Layer—Only the topmost layer drawn on the map returns pop-ups.
  • Visible Layer—Only layers currently visible return pop-ups.
  • Selectable Layers—Only layers marked as selectable return pop-ups.
  • Selected in Contents—Only layers currently selected in the Contents pane return pop-ups.
  • No Pop-ups—No pop-ups are returned.

If you do not want pop-ups to appear for a layer, right-click the layer or select multiple layers in the Contents pane and click Disable Pop-ups Disable Pop-ups. This removes the pop-up configuration for the current layer. Use the same context menu to re-enable the pop-ups. You cannot configure the appearance of a pop-up for a layer that has pop-ups disabled. Open the Configure Pop-ups pane for the layer containing the pop-ups you want to re-enable and click Enable to customize the content in the pop-up.

View data attributes in a pop-up

A pop-up is a read-only display of attribute information. It is a convenient way to identify feature attributes without requiring a feature selection first. Use the Attributes pane or a table view to edit the attributes for selected features.

Results list

The pop-up display contains a tree view listing of all items identified that are grouped by layer and the attributes of one feature at a time, which are separated by a gray divider that controls the pop-up orientation. Expand the nodes and click each identified item to view the individual attribute content. Individual features and groups also have a context menu for additional actions such as the following:

  • Select, sort, or navigate to identified items.
  • Flash the identified feature. If the feature is small or the flash is difficult to locate, turn on the Show crosshairs when flashing option on the Navigation tab of the Project options.
  • In a 2D map, place a point graphic at the center of the feature.
  • Open the properties of the layer.
  • Copy the records of a feature or a selection of features.

Attribute display

The attribute portion is configurable to display custom text, field-value pairs, charts, images, and so on. Click an image, or press Enter while the image has focus, to view it at full resolution. Right-click an image to choose between opening the image in the standard image viewer or the 360-degree image viewer. Alternatively, to open it in the 360-degree image viewer using only the keyboard, press Ctrl+Enter while the image has focus. You can also view related data by expanding the feature name in the listing portion of the pop-up. For related data that does not exist in the map, default pop-up is shown. For related data in a map, the pop-up definition that you authored is shown. If the related data is in the map as a time-aware or range-aware layer, the list of related records is filtered based on the map's current time and range settings. You can click in the view to display pop-ups for feature, raster, LAS, and TIN layers, with or without a selection.

Change pop-up orientation

A pop-up is divided into two sections by a gray divider. You can use the divider to collapse one portion or change the pop-up from the default vertically stacked orientation to side by side. Hover over the gray divider to reveal buttons that allow for these actions.

To hide the tree view listing, hover over the gray divider and click the Hide Top button Hide Top. The gray divider shifts to the top of the pop-up and the feature attributes expand to fill the pop-up. Alternatively, you can shift the divider to the bottom using the Hide Bottom button Hide Bottom. This collapses the feature attributes, and the tree view listing of identified items fills the pop-up.

Click and drag the gray divider to change the size of each side as well as to reveal a hidden portion.

The Split Vertically button Split Vertically changes the orientation of the pop-up from vertically to horizontally stacked. If a portion was previously collapsed, it expands into view. Once the pop-up is in a side-by-side configuration, you can collapse the right and left sides and return the orientation to vertically stacked.

Pin a pop-up

You can pin a pop-up for an individual feature to the screen so it does not disappear when you click another feature. This is helpful if you want a side-by-side feature pop-up comparison, or if you work with dual or large monitors and spread out the application display. You can pin more than one pop-up in a map. To pin a pop-up, right-click it in the Pop-up pane listing and click Move to Pinned Pop-up. The pop-up remains pinned until you return it to the Pop-up pane using the Move to Pop-up Pane button on the pop-up banner or close the pop-up.


Numeric or date formatting changes made while a pop-up is pinned are not applied when the pop-up is returned.

Closing the pop-up removes it from the listing entirely; it is not returned to the primary Pop-up pane.

You can collapse a pinned pop-up to minimize its appearance in the view. Only the pop-up banner remains with the Move to Pop-up Pane, Expand, and Close options.

Customize pop-ups

To build custom pop-ups for feature layers, right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Configure Pop-ups Configure pop-ups. The Configure Pop-ups pane appears, where you can customize the appearance. You can do the following in the Configure Pop-ups pane:

  • Define a title for the pop-up. The Display field is the default title.
  • Add and configure media elements such as images, charts, and hyperlinks.
  • Split elements vertically or horizontally to create a custom appearance.
  • Insert a carousel item to display multiple element types in a series.
  • Configure statistics for related data.
  • Style and format properties for fonts and outline borders.
  • Further enhance most elements using HTML.
  • Show a list of attachments.
  • Use Arcade expressions to allow more formatting control.
  • Disable the pop-up configuration for a layer so the pop-up does not appear.
  • Swap element content or rearrange element order.
  • Change the pop-up to appear in the classic mode.


For layers with enabled attachments, you can display a list of attachments in a pop-up by enabling the Show list of Attachments option in the Configure Pop-ups pane. When a feature includes attachments and this option is enabled, a list of hyperlinks is displayed, ordered from oldest to newest, at the bottom of the pop-up. These links open the attachment in the default file handler. Features without attachments display a message indicating that there are no attachments.

You can also source an image using attachments. By default, all attachments that are of type image are included in the pop-up. The most recently added image attachment appears first. Alternatively, you can show only the most recent attached image. Click an image to view it at full resolution.

Coordinate values

Feature coordinate values are displayed at the bottom of the pop-up window and can be selected to copy and paste into other applications. The values shown come from the geometry of the selected feature in the pop-up list. If a pop-up contains more than one identified feature, the coordinate value changes when you select a different feature in the list. The coordinates are not the clicked location on the map.


To capture the coordinates of a clicked location, right-click the location and click Copy Coordinates Copy Coordinates. The current coordinates are copied to the clipboard. To use a different format, expand the Convert Coordinate submenu and click the format.

The coordinates represent different spatial elements of the feature, depending on its geometry type. The following is a list of features and coordinate source returned:

  • Point—The feature's point location
  • Line—The feature's midpoint
  • Polygon—The feature's centroid
  • Multipatch—The feature's centroid
  • Multipoint—The feature's centroid
  • Annotation—The feature's centroid
  • Dimensions—The feature's centroid

M-aware features

Some features contain measured values (m-values) in their geometries to support linear referencing workflows—for example, placing traffic accidents along a road or monitoring corrosion conditions along a pipeline. When linear features containing route measures are identified, six additional measurement fields are added to the Fields element of a pop-up: Measure, Minimum Measure, Maximum Measure, Measure Values, Parts, and All Measures Unknown. Because these are part of the Fields element, their formatting can be modified.


These six additional measurement fields may not appear in pop-ups when shared.

The coordinate display of m-aware features in the pop-up includes the m-value closest to the clicked location in the map or scene. For linear geometries, the value is calculated by interpolating between the nearest vertices. M-values only appear when the pop-up is accessed from a single clicked location. M-values do not appear when you access the pop-up from the table view or when you press Ctrl and drag a box to identify.

The m-value coordinate display uses the numeric formatting of the default distance units set for the project, including properties such as decimal places and padding with zeros. To configure the default distance units for a project, click Project, click Options, and choose Units. Click in the Format column to open the Numeric Format dialog box for the default unit.

You can also use Arcade expressions to gather and manipulate m-value information for a feature. For example, the expression below converts the measure in minutes to hours and displays the maximum m-value in hours for the clicked feature.

var myLine = Geometry($feature);
var mMax = -1;

// If m-aware
if (myLine.hasM) {
  var myArray = myLine.paths;
  // For each path 
  for(var k in myArray) {
    var myTmp = myArray[k];
    // For each vertex
    for(var p in myTmp) {
      // Get the m-value 
      var myM = myArray[k][p].m;
      // Update the max-M, if needed and divide by 60 minutes
      if(mMax < myM) {
        mMax = myM/60;

// If not m-aware
else {
  mMax = -999;

// Return maximum m-value
return mMax;