Navigation and selection

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When you work with link charts, you can zoom in and out, move around, and select features. The sections below describe the tools available for navigating and selecting in link charts.


Once you've created a link chart with entities and relationships, you can explore and navigate the link chart. The following navigation tools are located on the contextual Link Chart tab in the Navigate group, which appears when a link chart view is active:

ExploreExplore Tool

A multifunctional tool for navigation. This is the default tool when you open a link chart. Left and wheel mouse buttons have built-in capabilities as follows:

  • Left drag—Pan
  • Middle drag—Pan
  • Middle roll wheel—Zoom in and out

Rectangle ZoomRectangle Zoom

Zoom in to a particular area by clicking and dragging in the chart extent.

Fixed Zoom InFixed Zoom In

Zoom in a fixed distance.

Fixed Zoom OutFixed Zoom Out

Zoom out a fixed distance.

Full ExtentFull Extent

Zoom to the full extent.


Selecting features in the link chart allows you to highlight and choose a subset of features to use in subsequent exploration or analysis of your data. The following selection tools are located on the contextual Link Chart tab in the Selection group, which appears when a link chart view is active:


Select elements by clicking them or drawing a box around them.

Select BySelect By Attributes

The Select By menu contains tools to select features in the link chart using attribute and spatial queries.

  • Select By Attributes Select By Attributes—Select features by their attribute values.
  • Select By Location Select By Location—Select features using the location of features in another layer.
  • Select By Date and Time Select By Date and Time—Select features based on date and time ranges (for example, the last 14 days) or parts (weekdays, 8–10 p.m.). Requires date and time values to be in a Date type field.


Show the Attributes pane. This allows you to view and edit the attributes of selected entities.

ClearClear Selected

Deselect all currently selected elements.

Select ConnectedSelect Connected

Add connected nodes to the current selection.


You can also add connected nodes to the current selection in the link chart view. Right-click a selected node and click Select Connected.

In this topic
  1. Navigation
  2. Selection