Create a timeline

AllSource 1.0    |

To add a timeline to ArcGIS AllSource, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the map that contains the data to be added to a timeline.
  2. On the Analysis tab, click New Timeline Timeline.

    The Timeline view pane appears.

  3. Ensure that the layers or stand-alone tables you want to add to the timeline are time enabled.
    1. Right-click each layer or stand-alone table you want to add to the timeline in the Contents pane and click Time Properties Clock.

      The Time tab of the Layer Properties or Standalone Table Properties dialog box appears.

    2. Click option Filter layer content based on attribute values.
    3. Define either a single time field or two fields that represent start and end dates for each layer or stand-alone table.

      Learn more about setting time properties on your data in ArcGIS AllSource

      Learn more about supported time field formats in ArcGIS AllSource

    4. Click OK.
  4. Add a time-enabled layer or stand-alone table to your timeline.
    1. On the contextual Timeline tab, click Add Layer Add Layer.

      The Add new layer to timeline dialog box appears.

    2. Select the layer or stand-alone table you want to add to the timeline from the Choose layer drop-down arrow.
    3. Optionally, select the field that you want displayed in the ScreenTip when you hover over data in the timeline from the Choose display field drop-down arrow.

      You can set this field later on the Timeline Layer Properties dialog box.

    4. Optionally, select the field that you want to use to categorize the layer or stand-alone table data in timeline lanes from the Choose category field drop-down arrow.

      You can set this field later on the Timeline Layer Properties dialog box.

    5. Click OK.
    6. Repeat the steps above to add more layers or stand-alone tables to the timeline.

    Edits made to the timeline data sources—such as adding new records, updating record attributes, and deleting records—are not automatically synchronized with the timeline. Click Refresh Refresh in the timeline view to sync these edits. The date and time the timeline was last synchronized are displayed on the Current as of label in the timeline view.


    When layers are plotted on the timeline, the temporal extent of the timeline dynamically matches the first and last time stamp from all layers. Additionally, layers with a single time stamp plot on the timeline as points, whereas layers with a start and end time stamp plot on the timeline as points with a horizontal bar that represents the length of the time span. This also applies to stand-alone tables in the timeline.


    The points on the timeline are rendered with the same symbols as the map, except for: Unclassed Colors, Proportional Symbols, Charts and Heat Map. For these renderer types all of the points in the timeline are symbolized with a single symbol.