Vector Field function

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The Vector Field function is used to composite and convert two rasters into a two-band raster that is of either data type Magnitude-Direction or data type U-V.


If the Input Data Type parameter is Magnitude-Direction, you also need to specify the Angular Reference System. parameter.

The U value is sometimes referred to as the zonal velocity or velocity along latitudinal lines. The V value is sometimes referred to as the meridional velocity or velocity along longitudinal lines.

Conversion between U-V and Magnitude-Direction

The two subsections below contain the formulas for the appropriate conversions. The variables are as follows:

  • u = vector-U
  • v = vector-V
  • m = magnitude
  • d = direction

Magnitude-Direction to U-V

u = m * cos (pi *d / 180)

v = m * sin (pi * d /180)

U-V to Magnitude-Direction

m = sqrt (u * u + v * v)

d = atan2 (v / u) * 180 / p



The first input raster.

This will be either the U value or the magnitude.

The second input raster.

This will be either the V value or the direction.

Input Data Type

The type of vector field your inputs represent.

  • Unknown—It is unknown whether the inputs represent U-V or Magnitude-Direction.
  • U-V—Input data represents U and V components.
  • Magnitude-Direction—Input data represents magnitude and direction.

Angular Reference System

Specifies how the direction component was measured.

  • Geographic—0° points due north, and 90° points due east
  • Arithmetic—0° points due east, and 90° points due north

Output Data Type

Specifies the type of vector field your output will represent.

  • Magnitude-Direction—Output data represents magnitude and direction.
  • U-V—Output data represents U and V components.

In this topic
  1. Overview
  2. Notes
  3. Parameters