
ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |

Indoors エクステンションのライセンスが付与された ArcGIS 組織で利用できます。

The Location Tracking service is an ArcGIS organization-wide capability that records where members are and where they have been. The following sections describe how to set up location tracking in your ArcGIS organization.


ArcGIS 組織の管理者は、次の手順を実行してメンバーの位置の追跡を有効化できます。

  1. Sign in as an administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click the Organization tab and click Settings.
  3. Click Organization extensions on the side of the page.
  4. Click Enable Location Tracking.

Enterprise ポータルでビッグ データ ストア (ArcGIS Data Store を介して使用できるデータ ストアの種類の 1 つ) を構成する必要があります。


Manage location tracking

Once location tracking is enabled in your Enterprise portal, it is important to configure the duration for which the tracks should be retained. The default is 30 days, but you can choose a different duration based on your organization’s needs.

The location tracking service can also be paused or disabled after it's enabled.

Learn more about managing location tracking in your ArcGIS organization in Enterprise

Create a viewer custom role

Only administrators can view data in the location tracking service by default. To allow members to find the current location of others who are sharing their device location, assign them a custom role with the privilege to view location data.

Follow these steps to create a custom role:

  1. Sign in as an administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click the Organization tab and click Settings.
  3. Click Member Roles on the side of the page.
  4. Click Create Role.
  5. Type a name and description for the role.
  6. Set the appropriate privilege compatibility based on your needs.
  7. Turn on the View location tracks privilege in the Content group in the General Privileges section.
  8. Click Save role.


Views can be created using the Track Viewer app. Administrators can add members to allow them to post track locations and control who can view them.

  1. Sign in as an administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click the Organization tab and click Settings.
  3. Click Organization extensions on the side of the page.
  4. Click Open Track Viewer to launch the Track Viewer for ArcGIS web app.
  5. In the app, click Create view and provide a name.
  6. Click Create view.
  7. To allow members to share locations, add them to the Mobile Users tab.
  8. To allow members to view shared locations, add them to the Track Viewers tab.

    Only members who were assigned the custom role created in the previous section can be added to this group.



  • Indoor Viewer
  • Track Viewer
  • Map Viewer Classic
  • ArcGIS Indoors for iOS
  • ArcGIS Indoors for Android


Viewer では、位置追跡サービスが提供する最新位置情報を Viewer のブラウザー モードとキオスク モードで活用できます (ArcGIS 組織と個々のデバイスの両方で有効になっている場合)。 Viewer の位置情報は、デバイスの位置トラックを表示する権限が付与された、ArcGIS 組織の指定ユーザー アカウントを使用するアプリにサイン インしているユーザーに限定されます。

デバイスの位置を共有しているユーザーが、検索や探索、関連アイテムを通じて Viewer で見つかると、情報パネルにはそのユーザーの最新位置を表示するオプションが含まれます。


  1. [検索][探索][関連アイテム] 機能を使用してユーザーを見つけます。


  2. バーをクリックするとそのユーザーの位置を確認し、マップと情報パネルがその位置にフォーカスします。


Track Viewer

過去のトラックと最新位置は、ArcGIS 組織の Track Viewer アプリで表示できます。 ArcGIS 組織から Track Viewer アプリにアクセスするには、[組織] をクリックし、[設定] タブをクリックして、[組織エクステンション] をクリックします。

Enterprise Map Viewer Classic

The historic tracks can be viewed by creating a web map with the location tracking layer. The settings configured by the administrator determine who can view the map and which tracks are available to view.

ArcGIS Indoors for iOS および ArcGIS Indoors for Android

The current location (if a member is actively sharing location) or last known location (if a member has stopped sharing location or is offline or outside the tracking zone) can be viewed in the Indoors mobile app by other members if they have the required permissions and are part of the appropriate views and groups.

Indoors for iOSIndoors for Android のアプリの設定と用途の詳細をご参照ください。