
ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |

Indoors エクステンションのライセンスが付与された ArcGIS 組織で利用できます。

Managing available spaces efficiently allows organizations to reduce costs and promote productivity by allowing employees to have a flexible schedule and encouraging them to work collaboratively when needed. For example, your organization may want to allocate certain areas for shared use that employees can reserve for a few hours, like meeting rooms to collaborate with others, or a few days, like office hotels for personal use while visiting an office or for specific tasks. Indoors allows users to interactively find available rooms based on their needs and book them. Administrators can also make certain spaces unreservable to meet social distancing guidelines set by the organization. For example, you can make every other unit unreservable and avoid crowding if spaces are in close proximity.

You can configure office hotels and meeting rooms based on your organization's needs and allow users to book them in the app. In Indoor Viewer or the Indoors mobile apps, users can interactively find available workspaces on the map or search for them based on time, duration, capacity, and location.

Indoor Viewer supports configuring workspace reservations using Microsoft 365 (for office hotels) or the Reservations layer in the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model (for meeting rooms or office hotels). Choose the configuration that best suits your organization's needs.

Microsoft 365 を使用した構成

Indoors アプリでは、Microsoft 365 と統合してワークスペース予約を構成できます。 組織がリソース メールボックスで部屋を管理しており、ユーザーが Microsoft Outlook などのアプリを使用して部屋を予約できるようになっている場合は、Indoors Web アプリおよびモバイル アプリを使用してユーザーが部屋を予約できるようにすることが可能です。 また、Indoors アプリはカレンダーと統合されているため、予約リクエストが確認されると、イベントがカレンダーに追加され、屋内マップで部屋の位置を視覚化できるようになります。


Microsoft 365 との統合だけがサポートされています。 Microsoft Exchange Server はサポートされていません。

Microsoft 365 を使用した予約の構成は、Viewer のオフィスのホテリングでしかサポートされていません。 屋内データにリソース メールボックスの電子メール アドレスを追加することで予約を構成できます。

Indoors の予約レイヤーを使用した構成

Indoors apps support managing reservations in a Reservations layer in your Viewer web map.


You can configure workspace reservations using the Reservations layer at the current release of ArcGIS Online and Enterprise 10.9.1 and later.

This method provides the following benefits:

  • Visualize room availability on the map by creating color-coded symbology for the Reservations layer
  • Perform analytics on reservation data to make informed space management decisions
  • Check-in and check-out of office hotels for real-time status of reservations
  • Remove dependency on external systems for managing reservations
  • Integrate with third-party calendar apps such as Apple, Outlook, and Google

The Reservations feature layer can also be added to maps other than your Indoors map and shared with groups in an organization for use in apps such as ArcGIS Dashboards.

予約レイヤーを使用してワークスペース予約を構成するには、最初にホスト フィーチャ レイヤーを作成して構成する必要があります。

Create the Reservations feature class

If you create an Indoors geodatabase using the Create Indoors Database tool at ArcGIS Pro 2.9 or later, the Reservations feature class is added to the Indoors dataset and you can add it to your map and share it to your ArcGIS organization.

To configure workspace reservations using the Reservations layer, complete the following:

  1. Open the item details page for the Reservations layer.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Click Save to save the zip (.zip) file.

    The zip file contains a file geodatabase with the Reservations feature class.

  4. Extract the .zip file and copy the Reservations feature class to your Indoors geodatabase.

    If you are using an エンタープライズ ジオデータベース to manage your data, the Reservations feature class does not need to be versioned.

Share layer

The Reservations layer must be shared with organization users who need to use the workspace reservation capability in the Indoors apps. Once the Reservations layer is shared to your organization, users can get the latest room availability and book workspaces. Complete the following steps to share the layer:

  1. Click My Contents and click the hosted feature layer.
  2. Click the Share button and choose an option.


    Share the layer with all members of your organization

    Edit Group Sharing

    Add the groups that should have access to the layer

  3. Click Save.

Editing settings

The Indoors apps require editing capabilities set on the Reservations layer to create or update reservations features when users reserve spaces in the Indoors apps. Complete the following steps to set the required editing settings for the layer:

  1. Click My Contents and click the hosted feature layer.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Feature Layer (hosted) section, under Editing, check the Enable editing check box.
  4. In the What kind of editing is allowed? section, configure editing options as follows:
    1. Check the Add check box.
    2. Check the Delete check box.
    3. Check the Update check box.
    4. Choose the Attributes and geometry option.
  5. Click Save.

Security settings

ArcGIS provides advanced editing settings for feature layers to keep track of edits, protect the data from unwanted changes, and prevent users from accidentally editing features that they did not create. Complete the following steps for added security:

  1. Click My Contents and click the hosted feature layer.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Optionally, check the Prevent this item from being accidentally deleted check box in the Delete Protection section for added protection.
  4. In the Feature Layer (hosted) section, under Editing, configure the following:
    1. Check the Keep track of created and last updated features check box.
    2. Check the Keep track of who created and last updated features check box.
    3. For the What features can editors edit? option, choose Editors can only edit their own features (requires tracking).


    Do not choose the Editors can only see their own features (requires tracking) for the What features can editors see option. If you choose this option, app users will not have access to accurate room availability.

You can now add this layer to your indoor map to enable workspace reservations and manage them in the Indoors apps.

Time settings

You can optionally configure time properties for the Reservations layer. Making it a temporal layer allows you to visualize reservations over time.

The Viewer app supports displaying the time-enabled Reservations layer in real time. If the meeting rooms list is open and you have a duration filter set for a future date and time, the Viewer app will display the reservations during the specified duration. This allows you to visualize meeting room availability and find rooms that are available to book.

Complete the following to configure time properties for the Reservations layer:

  1. Click My Contents and click the hosted feature layer.
  2. In the Layers section, click the Reservations polygon layer.
  3. Click the Edit icon under Time Settings.

    The Time Settings window opens.

  4. Check the Enable time check box.
  5. Choose the time ranges with a start and end time option and set the Start time field to Start Time and the End time field to End Time.
  6. Click OK.

The Reservations layer is now time enabled. In the Map Viewer, set the Reservations layer to refresh periodically so that it displays up-to-date information in the app.