Dynamic job properties

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Use ArcGIS Arcade expressions to dynamically populate input values throughout a workflow. For example, you can use an Arcade expression to assign steps to specific users or groups based on the result of a previous step and send notification emails that contain job-specific information. You can also configure the Run GP Service step to use the JobLocation Arcade expression as an input parameter that's replaced with the extent of the job's location when the step is run. Every input value that supports Arcade expressions appears with a This input supports Arcade Expressions button This input supports Arcade expressions that contains a list of expressions that can be added to its associated text box.

You can also use nested Arcade expressions to modify the output of other expressions. For example, you can use the following Text and Date functions to convert the output of the JobDueDate expression from epoch time to a more readable date format:

Text(Date(JobDueDate($Job)), 'dddd, MMMM D, Y')

If you need to combine plain text and Arcade expressions, you'll need to format the text as follows:

'Plain text' + ArcadeExpression() + 'plain text'

The following table contains an overview of the different categories of Arcade expressions specific to Workflow Manager:


Job property functions

Retrieve job information managed by ArcGIS Workflow Manager.

Extended property functions

Retrieve custom business-specific information from extended properties tables.

Data management functions

Retrieve job data source and version information.

Location functions

Retrieve job location information.

Settings functions

Retrieve user-defined settings.

Workflow functions

Retrieve output values and past step assignment information.

Visit the ArcGIS Developer website for a complete list of Arcade functions and global variables. The This input supports Arcade Expressions button This input supports Arcade expressions context menu contains the following expressions from the Arcade Function Index list.

NameArcade ExpressionDescription

Current Portal


Returns the current active portal.

Current User Details

var u = GetUser($currentPortal); return u['<key 1>'] + u['<key 2>']

Returns properties of the current user.

Current User Email


Returns the current user's email address.

Current User ID


Returns the current user's ID.

Current Username


Returns the current user's username.

Get User Details

var u = GetUser($currentPortal, '<username>'); return u['<key1>'] + u['<key2>']

Returns properties of a specified user.

Get User Email

GetUser($currentPortal, '<username>')['email']

Returns a specified user's email address.

Get Username

GetUser($currentPortal, '<username>')['username']

Returns a specified user's username.

User Groups


Returns the ArcGIS Enterprise portal group IDs for the current user.

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