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In ArcGIS Web Editor, tools are grouped together in toolbars.

Selection toolbar

The selection toolbar includes tools to pan the map and make selections.

The following table describes the tools on the selection toolbar:



Pan is used to shift the extent of the map by clicking and dragging.

Rectangle select

Rectangle select is used to select individual features or features within a rectangular area. Features within or intersecting the rectangle are selected.

Polygon select

Polygon select is used to select features within a polygon. Features within or intersecting the polygon are selected.

Lasso select

Lasso select is used to select features within a free-form polygon. Features within or intersecting the lasso are selected.

Selectable layers

Selectable layers is used to choose which layers on the map you can select features from.

Editing toolbar

The editing toolbar includes tools to create and modify features.

The following table describes the tools on the editing toolbar:


Create features

Create features is used to draw or add features to a map and populate attribute values.

Learn more about creating features


Attributes is used to open the Attributes pane to modify the field values for a single feature.

Learn more about editing attributes


Move is used to move features to a different location on the map by clicking and dragging. Feature geometry is preserved.

Learn more about moving features


Vertices is used to alter existing vertices, create new vertices, and delete existing vertices in selected features.

Vertices is available for multipoint, line, and polygon features.

Learn more about editing vertices


Reshape is used to add or subtract geometry from features.


If you draw over an existing feature, portions of it may be deleted. Additions and subtractions are highlighted in green.

Reshape includes the following options:

  • Reshape
  • Append
  • Subtract

Reshape is available for multipoint, line, and polygon features.

Learn more about reshaping features


Line is used to create straight line segments.

Line is available when you use Create features, Reshape, or Split.

Right angle

Right angle is used to create straight line segments at 90-degree angles between vertices.

Right angle is available when you use Create features, Reshape, or Split.


Freehand is used to create free-form shapes following the movement of the pointer.

Freehand is available when you use Create features, Reshape, or Split.


Split is used to divide a feature.

Split includes the following options:

  • Split (available for line features only)
  • Split by line
  • Split by polygon

Split is available for multipoint, line, and polygon features.

Learn more about splitting features


Merge is used to combine two or more features into a single feature.

Merge is available for multipoint, line, and polygon features.

Learn more about merging features


Delete is used to delete selected features.

General toolbar

The general toolbar includes additional tools that are important for completing an editing workflow.

The following table describes the tools on the general toolbar:



Copy is used to copy one or more selected features.

Learn more about copy and paste


Paste is used to paste copied features to the same layer. Paste special is used to paste a copied feature to a different editable layer.

Learn more about copy and paste

Snapping options

Snapping options is a feature drawing aid that helps control accuracy of the pointer when you hover near a vertex or other geometric element.

Learn more about snapping options


Search is used to find a location or features on a map.

Learn more about searching a map