The Attributes pane is used to update the attributes for a selected feature, including adding attachments. The tabular view of a layer's attribute data is used to explore and update data.
You cannot create a form for a layer in ArcGIS Web Editor. Use Map Viewer to configure forms for attribute editing.
Update attributes
You can update values in a layer using the Attributes pane or the layer's table.
Update attributes in the Attributes pane
To edit attributes using the Attributes pane, complete the following steps:
- Follow the steps to select one or more features.
- Do one of the following:
- On the editing toolbar, click Attributes
- Use the Alt+Shift+T shortcut for Windows or Option+Shift+T shortcut for Mac.
The Attributes pane appears showing the form for the selected features.
You can edit up to 20 features in a layer with a configured form. You can edit up to 200 features in a layer without a form.
- On the editing toolbar, click Attributes
- Update the necessary field values in the Attributes pane for the selected features.
If multiple features are selected, you can switch between the individual Feature view and Multiple features view using the expand button
. Choose from the following options:
- In the individual Feature view, you can use the right arrow button
to view the next feature and the left arrow button
to view the previous feature.
- In the Multiple features view, you can update attributes for all selected features at once.
Some form elements are currently not displayed when more than one feature is selected, including attachments, the Info element, related records, and contingent values.
Fields with different domains set at the subtype level are not visible in the Multiple features view.
- In the individual Feature view, you can use the right arrow button
- Click Save.
The selected features are updated with any changes made and, if editing multiple features, all edits are saved whether you are editing in Multiple features view or individual Feature view.
Update attributes in a layer's table
To update attributes in a layer's table, complete the following steps:
- Open a map in Web Editor.
- Do one of the following:
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers
- Use the Alt+Shift+L shortcut for Windows or Option+Shift+L shortcut for Mac.
The Layers pane appears.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers
- Click Options
next to a layer.
- Click Show table.
The table appears.
Click Select a layer
to view the table for a different layer.
- Find the field containing the value you want to edit.
If you do not see the field in the table, click Show/hide columns and check the check box next to the field name.
- Double-click the record you want to edit.
If the value is editable, a text box appears.
You can sort a field ascending or descending using the More menu
or by clicking the arrows next to the field name.
- Type a value in the text box.
- Press Enter on your keyboard or click anywhere outside the field.
The value updates.
- Click Close
in the table header to close the table.
Add attachments
Feature layers can include related photos or other files as attachments. If the layer owner has enabled attachments on the layer and you have privileges to edit the layer, you can attach related photos and files to records in the table.
You cannot attach files to a feature if you have unsaved changes in the Attributes pane.
You can only attach files to one feature at a time.
To add an attachment, complete the following steps:
- Follow the steps to select a feature.
- Do one of the following:
- On the editing toolbar, click Attributes
- Use the Alt+Shift+T shortcut for Windows or Option+Shift+T shortcut for Mac.
The Attributes pane appears showing the form for the selected feature.
- On the editing toolbar, click Attributes
- Click View attachments
- Click Add attachments
- Click Select file.
- Browse to and open a file.
- Click Upload.
The file is attached to the selected feature.
- Repeat the previous four steps to create additional attachments.
- Click Save.
- To delete an attachment, click the Attachment details button.
- Click Delete attachment.
Changes are automatically saved.