As an organization administrator, you can access all the feeds, analytics, and output layers other users create in ArcGIS Velocity. From the Feeds, Real-Time, Big Data, and Layers pages, click the Organization Content tab to access items other users have created in your organization. This tab is only available to users with the full Administrator role type and is not available to nonadministrators who have some administrative privileges.

Using the Organization Content tab, administrators can manage other user items in the organization. As an administrator, you can do the following:
- View feed or analytic details (data source and connectivity information is not displayed).
- View feed or analytic metrics.
- View feed or analytic logs.
- Start and stop a feed or analytic.
- Edit feeds, analytics, or layer properties or symbology.
- Open feeds or output layers in the map viewer.
- Share feeds, analytics, or layers with others in the organization.
- View the item details in the organization.
- Clone feeds or analytics.
- Delete feeds, analytics, or layers.
Administrators cannot create a feed or analytic on the Organization Content tab.
To perform any of the above actions on your own content, switch to the My Content tab to access all of the items you created.
The purpose of the Organization Content tab is to allow an organization administrator to manage other user feeds, real-time and big data analytics, and layers as needed. Managing other user items is useful, especially if your subscription capacity needs to be adjusted to accommodate other use cases. For details on monitoring subscription use, refer to Compute and storage management.