Once an alignment is created, you can run it.
Process an alignment
To process an alignment, complete the following steps:
- In the Project Tree pane, click the alignment you want to process.
- On the Alignment tab, click Run.
The alignment widget appears in the Process Manager pane for you to track the alignment progress.
It is recommended that you measure the control points before running an alignment to accurately georeference the capture sessions in fewer steps.
Track the progress of an alignment
You can monitor the alignment progress using the process manager, which is on the View tab.
Once an alignment is started, its processing widget is displayed in the process manager tool. Processing widgets display information about the progress of a certain process. The information can include its processing status, progress bar, the elapsed time, and the estimated time. The processing status can be queued, pending, processing, finished, or failed. You can also monitor and manage alignments as follows:
- Click Pause/Run to pause and resume the alignment.
- Click Zoom To to navigate to the extent of the alignment.
You can expand an alignment widget to show information about individual steps. The basic processing steps of an alignment are initialization, tie point extraction, and alignment optimization. If an alignment has been processed and edits are applied, the refinement step is added. If a refinement is pending, it is shown in the alignment widget.
Once the alignment processing is finished, the QA tool appears with the Overview tab active, which displays general information and a statistical overview of the alignment results.
Now you can do the following:
- Assess the alignment results.
- Create a reconstruction.
- Refine the alignment.
Pause and resume the process
When the alignment is processing, you can pause it by doing any of the following:
- On the Alignment tab, click Pause.
- In the Process Manager pane, on the alignment widget, click Pause.
- In the Project Tree pane, right-click the alignment, on the contextual menu, click Pause.
When the alignment is paused, you can resume it by doing any of the following:
- On the Alignment tab, click Run.
- In the Process Manager pane, on the alignment widget, click Run.
- In the Project Tree pane, right-click the alignment, on the contextual menu, click Run.