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Create incidents

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 (Windows)   |

Incidents allow you to schedule one-time or recurring maintenance windows and annotate unplanned outages for one or more collections in ArcGIS Monitor. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to create incidents. To create an incident, complete these steps:

  1. Access Monitor, if necessary.
  2. Click Administration.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. Click Incidents from the side of the page.

    The Incidents page appears with a list of incidents sorted alphabetically by name.


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query and filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to show and hide.

  4. Click Add Incident.

    The Incidents dialog box appears.

  5. Provide a name in the Incident Name text box.
  6. Optionally, provide a description in the Description text box.
  7. Click the Linked Collections drop-down arrow and choose the collections that you want to include in the incident.

    Click the Select All check box to include all collections in the incident.

  8. Click the Reminder drop-down arrow and choose when you want the reminder banner to appear on affected collection and component pages and when you want subscribed email and webhook notifications to be sent.

    You must be subscribed to email or webhook notifications to receive incident reminders.

    • At start—Start notifying at incident's scheduled start time.
    • 1 hour—Start notifying one hour before the incident's scheduled start time.
    • 2 hours—Start notifying two hours before the incident's scheduled start time.
    • 4 hours—Start notifying four hours before the incident's scheduled start time.
    • 8 hours—Start notifying eight hours before the incident's scheduled start time.
    • 1 day—Start notifying one day before the incident's scheduled start time.
    • 1 week—Start notifying one week before the incident's scheduled start time.
  9. Optionally, turn off Monitoring for the duration of the incident.

    To accurately calculate metrics, Monitoring should be turned off for scheduled maintenance windows and turned on for unplanned outages.

  10. Optionally, turn on Alerting for the duration of the incident.

    To accurately calculate metrics, Alerting should be turned off for scheduled maintenance and turned on for unplanned outages.

  11. Choose a recurrence interval for the incident in the Recurrence section.
  12. Provide required view information for the incident in the Recurrence section as necessary.
  13. Click Save.

    The incident's details page appears.

When the incident becomes active, an Incidents button appears on all affected collection and component pages. You can click the Incidents button to show more information about the incident.

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