The ArcGIS Monitor Information Model supports the management of data necessary to monitor the system health, usage, and performance of your enterprise GIS implementation.
The following sections list the tables and fields that make up the information model.
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
address | The hostname or IP address of the ArcGIS Monitor Agent machine. | False | String |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the Monitor Agent machine. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
is_connected | Specifies if Monitor Agent is connected to Monitor Server. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of the Monitor Agent machine. | False | String |
platform | The host operating system (OS) on which Monitor Agent is installed. | False | String |
version | The software version of Monitor Agent. | False | String |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
aggregation | The mathematical function used to aggregate metric samples for comparison against the alert rule. | True | String |
closed_at | The date and time that the alert was closed. | True | Datetime |
component_id | The unique ID of the component associated with the alert. | False | Integer |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
critical_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in a critical alert being opened. | True | Float |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
info_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in an info alert being opened. | True | Float |
metric_id | The unique ID of the metric associated with the alert. | False | Integer |
observer_id | The unique ID of observer associated with the component that triggered alert. | False | Integer |
opened_at | The date and time that the alert was first opened. | False | Datetime |
operator | The mathematical operator used to compare the aggregated metric samples against the alert thresholds. | True | String |
samples | The total number of consecutive historical metric samples used to determine the alert status. | True | Integer |
state | The current state of the alert. | False | String |
status | The status of the alert when it was opened. | True | Integer |
warning_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in a warning alert being opened. | True | Float |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
configuration | The persisted configuration for an analysis view's visual elements. | False | Object |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
created_by | The user that created the analysis view. | True | Integer |
description | The long-form description of the analysis view. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
name | The name of the analysis view. | False | String |
occurrence | The recurring analysis export rules. | False | Object |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the collection. | True | String |
expression | The query expression governing attached components. | False | Object |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
is_security_enabled | Specifies if the collection's feature service requires a token. | False | Boolean |
is_service_enabled | Specifies if the collection's data is made available through a feature service. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of the collection. | False | String |
status | The collection's current criticality evaluated from its attached components. | True | Integer |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
alert_id | The unique ID of the related alert. | True | Integer |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
incident_id | The unique ID of the related incident. | True | Integer |
message | The comment's message content. | False | String |
type | The comment's origin. | False | String |
user_id | The ID of the user that created the comment. | False | Integer |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
address_internal | The common network address. | False | String |
agent_id | The ID of the agent to which the component is registered. | True | Integer |
connection | The unstructured JSON data about the component’s connection. | False | Object |
connection.address | The address Monitor uses to connect to the component. | True | String |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the component. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
name | The name of the component. | False | String |
properties | The unstructured JSON data about the component. | False | Object |
properties.cert_expires_at | The date and time that the component's configured server certificate expires. | True | Datetime |
properties.class | The system classification (virtual or physical). | True | String |
properties.configured_state | The value of the service's configured state setting. | True | String |
properties.cpu_cores_logical | The system's total number of logical CPU cores. | True | Float |
properties.cpu_cores_physical | The system's total number of physical CPU cores. | True | Integer |
properties.cpu_name | The CPU manufacturer name and model information. | True | String |
properties.cpu_speed | The speed of the system's CPU. | True | Float |
properties.created_at | The date and time the entity was created within the component. | True | Datetime |
properties.gdb_version | The ArcGIS software version of the geodatabase. | True | String |
properties.idle_time_max | The maximum time a service instance remains idle before shutting down. | True | Integer |
properties.instance_type | The type of service instance (dedicated or shared). | True | String |
properties.instances_max | The maximum number of allowed service instances. | True | Integer |
properties.instances_min | The minimum number of allowed service instances. | True | Integer |
properties.instances_shared_max | The service's maximum number of shared instances. | False | Integer |
properties.instances_shared_min | The service's minimum number of shared instances. | False | Integer |
properties.is_service_cached | Indicates if the service is cached. | True | Boolean |
properties.license_expires_at | The date and time that the component's software license expires. | True | Datetime |
properties.location | Indicates the availability zone in which the component is located. | True | String |
properties.machines | The list of machines or hosts that participate in the ArcGIS Server site. | False | Array |
properties.memory_total | The total amount of system memory. | True | Float |
properties.network_speed | The network adapter's negotiated network speed. | True | Float |
properties.roles | The configured ArcGIS Server roles for the ArcGIS Server site. | True | Array |
properties.started_at | The date and time that the service was last started. | True | Datetime |
properties.storage_total | The total amount of storage space of a storage subcomponent. | True | Float |
properties.utc_offset | The UTC time zone offset as indicated by the system. | True | Float |
properties.version | The current software version of the component. | True | String |
properties.wait_time_max | The maximum time a client can wait for the service to respond before it times out. | True | Integer |
status | The current criticality of the component as evaluated from its attached metrics. | True | Integer |
strategy_r_id | Specifies the component's monitoring strategy. | True | String |
subtype | The secondary category used to categorize components. | True | String |
system_id | The ID used to uniquely identify the component within its monitoring scope. | True | String |
type | The primary category used to categorize components. | False | String |
Component Logs
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
code | The log code associated with log entry. | True | Integer |
component_id | The unique ID of the related component. | True | Integer |
level | The log level associated with the log entry. | True | String |
log | The unstructured JSON data of the log entry. | True | Object |
logged_at | The date and time that the logged event occurred. | True | Datetime |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the incident. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
is_alerting_enabled | Specifies if alerts are enabled for metrics affected by the incident. | False | Boolean |
is_influencing_uptime | Specifies if the incident is used to adjust the overall uptime calculation. | False | Boolean |
is_monitoring_enabled | Specifies if monitoring is enabled for components affected by the incident. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of the incident. | False | String |
occurrence | The unstructured JSON data about the incident’s recurrence schedule. | False | Object |
occurrence.byhour | The hour on which the incident should run. | True | Integer |
occurrence.byminute | The minute on which the incident should run. | True | Integer |
occurrence.bymonth | The month on which the incident should run. | True | Array |
occurrence.bymonthday | They day of the month on which the incident should run. | True | Array |
occurrence.byweekday | The day of week on which the incident should run. | True | Array |
occurrence.count | The maximum number of times the incident occurs. | True | Integer |
occurrence.dtstart | The timestamp that indicates when the recurrence should start. | True | Datetime |
occurrence.duration | The number of minutes the incident should run. | False | Integer |
occurrence.freq | Specifies how often the incident should run. | False | String |
occurrence.until | The timestamp that indicates when the recurrence should end. | True | Datetime |
reminder_hours | Specifies when a reminder event is emitted. This requires recipients to be subscribed to a notification to receive the reminder. | True | Integer |
reminder_sent | Tracks the sent state of the incident’s reminder event. | True | Boolean |
state | Specifies if the incident is currently active. | True | String |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
color | The background color of the label. | True | String |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the label. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
is_managed | Specifies if the label is managed by the system. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of the label. | False | String |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
aggregation | The mathematical function used to aggregate metric samples for comparison against the alert rule. | True | String |
component_id | The unique ID of the component associated with the metric. | True | Integer |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
critical_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in a critical alert being opened. | True | Float |
description | The long-form description of the metric. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
info_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in an info alert being opened. | True | Float |
is_alerting_enabled | Specifies if alerts are created using status evaluation. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of the metric. | True | String |
observer_id | The unique ID of the observer that recorded the metric. | True | Integer |
operator | The mathematical operator used to compare the aggregated metric samples against the alert thresholds. | True | String |
r_id | The namespaced reference ID of the metric. | True | String |
samples | The total number of consecutive historical metric samples used to determine the alert status. | True | Integer |
status | The current alert status of the metric. | True | Integer |
warning_threshold | The metric threshold value that results in a warning alert being opened. | True | Float |
Metrics Data
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
metric_id | The ID of the related metric. | True | Integer |
observed_at | The date and time that the metric was measured. | True | Datetime |
value | The metric's measured value. | True | Float |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
collection_id | The unique ID of the collection by which notifications are scoped. | True | Integer |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the notification. | True | String |
email_interval | The number of minutes between email notifications. | True | Integer |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
is_email_enabled | Specifies if email notifications are enabled. | False | Boolean |
is_webhook_enabled | Specifies if webhooks are configured for the notification. | False | Boolean |
name | The name of notification. | False | String |
webhook_delivery_failures | The maximum number of retry attempts before the webhook fails. | False | Integer |
webhook_delivery_on_empty | When enabled, specifies if delivery will occur on the interval, even if there were no captured events. | True | Boolean |
webhook_delivery_reattempt_interval | The time between redelivery attempts when a delivery failure occurs. | False | Integer |
webhook_delivery_timeout | The maximum wait time for a response from the receiver. | False | Integer |
webhook_secret | The secret used by the receiver to verify the payload. | True | String |
webhook_status | The current status of the webhook. | True | Integer |
webhook_url | The URL of the webhook receiver. | True | String |
Field name | Description | Nullable | Type |
component_id | The unique ID of the component associated with the observer. | True | Integer |
config | The unstructured JSON data for the observer’s internal state. | False | Object |
created_at | The date and time that the entity was created. | False | Datetime |
description | The long-form description of the observer. | True | String |
id | The primary key. | False | Integer |
interval | Specifies how often the observer is scheduled to run. | False | Integer |
is_enabled | Specifies if the observer is enabled. | False | Boolean |
params | The unstructured JSON data for the observer used to control its behavior. | False | Object |
r_id | The namespaced reference ID of the observer. | True | String |
started_at | The observer's last start time. | True | Datetime |
state | The current running state of the observer. | True | String |
status | The current running health of the observer. | True | Integer |