You can register ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to collect system health and performance metrics.
Prerequisites for monitoring
The following is a list of prerequisites for monitoring GeoEvent Server:
- GeoEvent Server must be running on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 or later.
- The ArcGIS Server primary site administrator or an equivalent user account that is assigned an administrator role type is required to register GeoEvent Server for monitoring.
- Authentication requires ArcGIS Server token-based security. Other forms of authentication such as Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) are not supported.
- Your firewall must allow communication between GeoEvent Server and the ArcGIS Monitor machine to which it will be registered on ports 6080 and 6180 for an HTTP connection or ports 6143 and 6443 for an HTTPS connection.
Register GeoEvent Server for monitoring
You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to register components. Complete these steps to register an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server component:
- Access ArcGIS Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Monitoring.
The Monitoring page appears with a list of components sorted alphabetically by component name.
Click Labels to filter the list using labels, click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query and filter the list, click Hide to choose which columns to show and hide, and click the categories at the side of the page to filter the list by the chosen category. You can also search for specific components by typing a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box.
- Click Register Component.
The Register Component wizard appears.
If you don't have sufficient privileges, Register Component is not available.
- Choose the ArcGIS Monitor Server or ArcGIS Monitor Agent machine that has network access to the component that you want to register and click Next.
The Component Type page appears.
- Choose GeoEvent Server under ArcGIS and click Next.
The Component Details page appears.
- Type a name for the component in the Component Name text box.
- Optionally, type a description for the component in the Description text box.
- Optionally, click the Labels drop-down arrow and choose the labels that you want to apply to the component.
You must create labels for them to appear in the Labels drop-down menu. You can also apply labels to components after they have been registered.
- Click Next.
The Connection page appears.
- Type the public URL to the GeoEvent Server that you want to register in the Address text box.
- Provide the credentials for GeoEvent Server in the Username and Password text boxes.
- Click Register Component.
The component is added to the list of monitored components on the Monitoring page.
Once a component is registered, you can configure alert rules and add the component to collections.
Other component types, such as the enterprise GIS implementation's underlying hardware infrastructure and databases, must be registered individually to enable monitoring.
The following is a list of observers that are responsible for collecting GeoEvent Server attribute and metric data:
Observer name | Description |
Discover | The Discover observer scans for changes and manages attribute data across GeoEvent Server. The default interval for this observer is set to 5 minutes, however, it can be configured to run at longer intervals since changes to the underlying site configuration are expected to be infrequent. |
Metrics | The Metrics observer collects GeoEvent Server metric data. The default interval for this observer is set to 1 minute to retrieve data more frequently. It is not recommended that you run this observer at longer intervals. |
Collected attributes
The following is a list of attributes that are collected for GeoEvent Server:
Attribute name | Description | Data type |
Version | The software version of GeoEvent Server | String |
Collected metrics
The following is a list of metrics that are collected for GeoEvent Server:
Metric name | Description | Data type |
Events Received | The total number of received events | Float |
Events Received Rate | The receive rate of received events | Float |
Events Sent | The total number of sent events | Float |
Events Sent Rate | The send rate of sent events | Float |
Default alert rules
There are no default alert rules for GeoEvent Server.