Define a mission map

ArcGIS 10.9    |    |  

On the Maps tab, mission owners or administrators can define their mission map by changing the basemap, extent, and zoom-level or adding and removing reference layers using the following map tools:

  • Basemaps—The basemap is the bottommost layer of a map and provides the geographical context for the map content.
  • Map layers—Layers are a type of map content, composed of imagery, features, tiles, and so on.
  • Map notes—This is a custom map layer that allows you to create and edit graphics unique to your map.
  • Bookmarks—This creates shortcuts to places on the map, which makes map navigation more efficient.
  • Search the map—This feature allows you to find locations, features, and other map information quickly and efficiently.

After making changes, click Save to allow other users to interact with your changes. Additionally, once you save your changes, Responder users will be prompted to reload their map.