ArcGIS Mission Manager capabilities

ArcGIS 10.9    |    |  

ArcGIS Mission Manager includes many capabilities that allow you to interact with every phase of a mission, from planning to execution. The information below can help you use the Manager app.

View missions

The View Missions tab allows you to search a list of all the missions you can access, as well as review the summary and status of those missions.


A mission can be set to draft, active, or complete. See Mission status to learn how status affects the ways you can interact with a mission.

Create a mission

In the Create a mission section, the following topics discuss the first steps to take when using ArcGIS Mission Manager:

Mission details

The mission details section focuses on the aspects of Manager that deal with adding resources and information to an existing mission. This includes the following:

Mission analyst experience

The mission analyst experience topics focus on the functionality of ArcGIS Mission Manager that deal with active missions. This section includes the following:

Web-tier authentication

ArcGIS Mission Manager supports web-tier authentication, allowing users to log in to secure portals that have been configured for it. For more information see Web-tier authentication.