Create and view mission reports

ArcGIS 10.9    |    |  

Mission reports are authored by mission analysts and completed by mission members. Reports serve to organize, communicate, and record any information identified as being relevant to the mission. The Tactical Summary Report is a default report created when you create your mission. Additionally, mission owners and administrators can create custom reports oror leverage previously created report templates for their mission. A Mission Report item and hosted feature layer is created in your portal each time a custom report is created.

On the Reports tab in the details of a mission, a list of available mission reports displays and includes the title, who created the report, and the date they were created. You can also preview a read-only sample of each report

Preview a report

To preview a report, complete the following steps on the Mission Details page:

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Identify to the report you want to preview.
  3. Click the report check box to preview the report.

    A read-only sample version of the report appears. Only one report can be previewed at a time.

  4. Click Close Report Preview to close the report.

Create a new report

If you are a mission owner or an administrator, you can create a custom report for your mission. This workflow allows you to create a report with different fields that apply to the purpose of your mission. You can add as many fields as you would like to your report. These reports can optionally be assigned to a task in the mission analyst experience.

Field types

There are multiple field types you can use in your report. You can add as many fields as you would like in your report. Any field you add can be set as a required field. The supported field types are:

  • Single Line Text—a field that supports a short, free text response.
  • Multi-line Text—a field that supports a long, free text response.
  • Number—a field that supports integer values.
  • Single Choice—a field that supports a user selecting one choice as an answer. A minimum of two choices are required.
  • Date and Time—a field that supports entering a date and time.
  • Drop-down List—a field that supports selecting a choice through a drop-down menu. A minimum of two choices are required.

Additionally, you can enable attachments on your new reports layer. When the Image (Attachments) option is clicked under Additional Details (optional), mission members can add .jpeg and .png attachments when submitting their report.

Create new report form

You can create a new report through a form by giving your report a title, description, a custom icon, and multiple field types. To create a report, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Click the Create a New Report button.

    A new page opens with report creation options.

  5. Click Create a New Report.

    The report creation form opens.

  6. Provide the following information:
    • Title (required)
    • Description (required)
  7. Optionally, change the report icon by clicking Edit. You can choose to change the icon shape, color, and size. The icon preview automatically adjusts to your changes as you select them. The default icon is a red diamond.
  8. Click to add a field to your report.
  9. Type what you want to call your field into the Label line.
  10. Optionally, you can mark each field as required by clicking the Required checkbox.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 as needed. You can have as many fields as you like.
  12. To enable attachments on the report layer, click the Image (Attachments) option under the Additional Details (optional) section.
  13. Click Preview to view a preview of your report as you complete your form. This can be done any time a change is made.

    Additionally, you can close the preview pane by clicking Collapse Report Preview.

  14. Click Publish once you are done creating your report. Click Cancel to return to the initial report creation page.

    A modal with addition steps appears.

  15. Add any tags of your choice to allow searches in the future and choose to share your report to your organization to be leveraged as a template in other missions.
  16. Click Publish to publish your report. Click Cancel to return to the report creation form.

    A dialog box appears with a status bar. A message indicates that the report creation is successful or if it fails.

  17. After a successful report publication, you can click Return to Mission Reports to return to the Reports tab or Create Another Report to repeat the report creation process.

You can create as many reports for your mission as you would like.

Create a report from a template

You can leverage a report template shared to your organization and use it as a quick way to create a new report to your mission. To create a report from a template, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Click the Create Report from a Template button.

    A dialog opens with all report templates available to you in your organization. The templates are displayed with the report title, description, report author, and the creation date.

  5. Select a report to publish. Additionally, you can click Preview to view the report fields. Click Back to Report Templates to go back to the templates list.
  6. Click Publish to publish your report.

    A dialog appears indicating that publishing the report will share it to the mission and other mission members

  7. Type in a new title for the report.
  8. Click Publish to publish your report. Click Cancel to return to the report creation form.

    A dialog box appears with a status bar. A message indicates that the report creation is successful or if it fails.

  9. After a successful report publication, you can click Return to Mission Reports to return to the Reports tab or Create Another Report to repeat the report creation process.

You can leverage as many report templates as you would like to create new reports in your mission.