View Missions tab

ArcGIS 10.9    |    |  

On the View Missions tab, you can find a list of all the missions you are a member of or own. You can view the details of each mission or begin participating in the mission.

Display options

In the list and grid views, click Open Mission to access the mission analyst experience, or click Mission Details to view information about the mission. In the table view, click the overflow menu to access these same options.

Each mission is displayed with the following:

  • Mission title
  • Mission status
  • A thumbnail
  • The name of the mission owner
  • A summary of the mission
  • The date the mission was created
  • The date of the most recent modification made to the mission
You cannot view the thumbnail and summary in table view.

Sort options

The Mission List is sorted by mission status by default. However, you can change this to sort missions by date created, mission owner, date modified, or mission title using the drop-down menu. You can also click the Refresh List button to refresh the mission list to see if you were added to new missions or if a new mission was added to the list since you last accessed the View Missions tab.