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To compile and deploy the Esri Maps for MicroStrategy Mobile app, several requirements must be met. It is recommended that a developer assist you in meeting the following prerequisites:

  • A Mac OS machine running OS X version 10.8.4 or later and 4G RAM or greater.
  • An Apple developer license. See the Apple iOS developer program or the iOS developer enterprise program.
  • Follow the steps on the Apple developer website to generate the Apple certificates you need.
  • Xcode 7.x and iOS SDK 9.x installed on the Mac machine. Xcode is free once you're registered as an Apple Developer.
  • Downloaded the following on the Mac machine:
    • MicroStrategy Mobile Client from the MicroStrategy download site.
    • Esri Maps for MicroStrategy. The package has an em4mm directory, which includes the following files:
      • Em4Mstr.framework—iOS framework that contains Em4Mstr library, header files, and resource bundle
      • config.xml—Configuration file for the statically linked library, Cordova, with custom plug-in definitions
      • build directory—Directory containing automated app creation scripts and configuration files
  • (Optional) Verify that xcodeproj gem version 1.0.0 or later is installed on the Mac computer.
    • Run the following command in a Terminal window to check if xcodeproj is installed: $gem list.
    • Run the following command to install xcodeproj: $ [sudo] gem install xcodeproj.
    • Run the build script to create an app.

For more information about MicroStrategy Mobile SDK for iOS, see the MicroStrategy Developer Zone.


For the most up-to-date information about developer prerequisites for Esri Maps for MicroStrategy Mobile, see Supported environments > Esri Maps for MicroStrategy.