Verizon Connect Reveal

The Verizon Connect Reveal feed type in ArcGIS Velocity creates a built-in HTTP endpoint that can be used to receive GPS Push Service messages from Verizon Connect Reveal. For details about Verizon Connect Reveal, refer to the Verizon Connect Reveal documentation.


The following are example uses of the Verizon Connect Reveal feed:

  • A shipping company uses Verizon Connect Reveal to track their fleet of vehicles. They collect the GPS Push Service data into Velocity to maintain real-time situational awareness about their vehicles and driver behavior.
  • A public works department uses Verizon Connect Reveal to track the vehicles that belong to the department. They store this information and run a big data analytic at the end of each week to generate a report that shows the vehicles that need maintenance based on odometer readings.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Verizon Connect Reveal feed:

  • When a Verizon Connect Reveal feed is started for the first time in ArcGIS Velocity, you must review the feed logs in another browser tab to confirm the subscription by browsing to the Subscribe URL value included in the feed log message. This requirement ensures that the subscription is valid.
  • The Verizon Connect Reveal feed only processes events with the GPS Push Service schema defined by Verizon.
  • The Verizon Connect Reveal feed supports configuring key fields, removing unwanted fields, and adjusting field names. Changing data types or adding new fields is not supported because the GPS Push Service schema required by Verizon cannot be modified.
  • Once the feed is created, the URL in the HTTP Endpoint Path parameter is available on the feed details page. This is the URL to use for data that is pushed from Verizon Connect Reveal.
  • After configuring feed connection parameters, see Configure input data to learn how to define the schema and the key parameters.
  • The Verizon Connect Reveal datetime information is stored in the updateUTC field as a string. When configuring the Verizon Connect Reveal feed, on the Identify Key Fields page, set the updateUTC field to Start Time, with a date format of Other (string) and a date formatting string of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'.


The following are the parameters for the Verizon Connect Reveal feed:

ParameterDescriptionData type

HTTP Endpoint Path

The full URL that Verizon Connect Reveal will use to send GPS Push Service messages.

This parameter is generated and populated by Velocity after the feed is published.



The username used to secure the HTTP endpoint created by the feed.



The password used to secure the HTTP endpoint created by the feed.


Considerations and limitations

Verizon Customer Support uses the username and password, along with the HTTP endpoint URL, to push data to the feed. If the username or password is not available, you must create new credentials and provide them to Verizon Customer Support.