
ArcGIS Velocity can ingest Internet of Things (IoT) observation data expressed in delimited format from a variety of feeds and sources. Delimited data is a common format that separates values in each row with specific delimiter characters.

Delimited data is supported as a data format for the following feed and data source types:

Specify delimited configuration

When configuring a feed or data source, sampling will occur to understand the type of data being ingested. If sampling determines the data to be in delimited format, additional parameters for the delimited configuration can be specified.

Field delimiter

Delimited data files often use commas as the field delimiter to separate data from different columns. However, delimited files can also separate, or delimit, columns with other characters including pipes, colons, semicolons, slashes, and more.

When Velocity samples your data, it will automatically recognize the field delimiter used by the data. If the field delimiter sampled is not correct, you can use the Field Delimiter parameter to specify which characters separate the values.

Has header row

A delimited file can either have a header row or not. When Velocity samples your data, it should automatically recognize whether your files or data streams have a header row. If the header row sampled is not correct, you can use the Has header row parameter to specify whether a header row exists.

If a header row is identified, Velocity will use this row to automatically populate the field names for the data.

Considerations and limitations

The following limitation exists when working with the delimited data format:

Loading delimited files with polyline or polygon geometry—A known issue exists when loading polyline or polygon geometry data from a delimited file; a performance decline is noticeable in the feed or analytic. This will be addressed in a later release of ArcGIS Velocity.