Distributed and partnered collaboration

Insights 2023.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

Distributed collaboration is available for Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online. Partnered collaboration is available for Insights in ArcGIS Online. The collaborations themselves are made through the ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portals.

Distributed and partnered collaborations allow you to share your Insights work with other ArcGIS organizations. Users can then view your reports and workbooks and even take your models and re-create their own data exploration and analysis workflows using them as a framework.

Distributed collaboration

A distributed collaboration is a connection between two or more trusted portals that allows you to organize and share content between individuals, businesses, and communities. Once you've established a trusted collaboration, you are able to extend your GIS content to a network of participants. Shared content becomes discoverable for each participant in the collaboration.

A collaboration can be set up between two or more ArcGIS Enterprise portals or between ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online. There are two common patterns for leveraging a collaboration:

  • Collaboration between two portals
  • Collaboration between multiple portals with one central portal

Partnered collaboration

A partnered collaboration establishes trust between ArcGIS Online organizations so that content can be shared. In a collaboration, partnered organizations designate members as collaboration coordinators to represent their organization.

After establishing a partnered collaboration, you can create groups to use for sharing content between organizations. You can also use existing groups you own that allow members of any organization to join.

Supported items

The following items can be used in Insights and shared through distributed or partnered collaboration:

  • Feature Layer
  • Insights Report
  • Insights Model
  • Insights Workbook
  • Insights Theme


The following limitations exist for distributed collaborations:

  • Insights items cannot be shared from ArcGIS Online to ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Items cannot be shared from a newer version of Insights to an older version of Insights.
  • Relational database connection items cannot be shared in a collaboration. The database connection should be created in each Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise organization to access database datasets.
  • Shared workbooks from a collaboration can only be accessed in viewer mode.
  • Workbooks from a collaboration cannot be duplicated in the recipient ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

The following limitations exist for partnered collaborations:

  • Shared workbooks from a collaboration can only be accessed in viewer mode.
  • Workbooks from a collaboration cannot be duplicated in the recipient ArcGIS Online portal.


Use the following resources to learn more: