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Insights 2023.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

ArcGIS Insights 2023.1 includes a new report designer, updates to data engineering, plus other enhancements and updates throughout the software.

Report designer

The report designer is now available for designing interactive and printed reports. Interactive reports (previously called shared pages) can be configured for the screen size of various devices. For more information, see Design a report.

Publishing and sharing

The workflow for publishing report, model, and theme items has been updated. A Publish button is now available from the page toolbar.

Data engineering

The Create relationships tool now supports spatial joins.

Spatial data can now be visualized on a map using the map view. For more information, see Data engineering views.

Selections are now supported on tables, maps, and column summaries in data workbooks. Selections on one of the views will be reflected on the other views, if applicable.


Color palettes for maps using the Counts and amounts (color) style are now organized by categories, such as Diverging, Best for light backgrounds, Blues, and Subdued. The color palettes can also now be reversed using the Reverse palettes button.

Heat maps now have additional color palette options. The default color palette for heat maps has also been updated.


PostgreSQL 15 databases are now supported in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop. For a full list of supported databases and database versions, see Supported databases.

Insights desktop

Insights desktop now supports macOS Ventura. For more information, see System requirements.


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