View and manage observation layers

ArcGIS 11.3    |

You can view and manage observation layers in Excalibur through the Observation Layers page by accessing the Excalibur home page or the side menu. You can see all the observation layers that you created or have access to within your organization.

Filter by layer title

The Observation Layers page can be filtered by the layer title.

  1. Enter the name of a layer in the input text box.

    As text is entered, the layer cards are dynamically filtered.

  2. Delete the text to clear the text box.

Filter by content

The Observation Layers page can be filtered by your content.

  1. Click My Organization and select the content filter you want to view.

    As filters are applied, the layer list populates with layer types that are selected in the filter.

  2. Click the Filter button and select the specific layer types you want to view.

    As a filter is applied, the observation layers list populates based on the selected filter.

  3. Click a different type in the content filter to change the active filter.

    Only one content type can be selected as a filter.

Sort by field

The Observation Layers page can be sorted in ascending or descending order by fields such as date created, date modified, item title, item owner, and item type to help identify the right layer.

  1. Choose a field from the Sort menu.

    Options are Created, Last Modified, Item Title, Item Owner, and Item Type.

  2. Click the Reverse List button in the Sort menu to switch between ascending and descending order.

    Descending order is the default sort direction.

Refresh list

Click the Refresh List button to reload the Observation Layers page. This displays the layers that are available to you based on the selected content filter.

Layer information

Each layer card displays the following information in the Observation Layers list item details:

  • Name
  • Layer type
  • Owner
  • Date modified

When information on a layer's item details page is edited, the changes are reflected on the layer card the next time the list is refreshed.

Configure observation layer

Observation layers of type feature layer can be configured if you are the owner of the layer or are an administrator. Clicking Configure will navigate you to a view where you can configure details such as layer name, sharing information, fields, styling, and other feature layer settings.

View details

Additional details and information about an observation layer can be viewed on all observation layers that you have permissions to use. If a layer is shared privately or to specific groups, only the users with access to the item will be allowed view additional details. Clicking Details will navigate you to a view where you can see information such as layer details, styling information, current settings on the layer, and field information.