Change configuration settings

ArcGIS 11.3    |

Configuration settings provide Portal administrators the ability to configure application-level organizational settings within ArcGIS Excalibur. This includes general application settings, specific ArcGIS Video Server settings, and even settings for configuring livestream video layers. The application-level configuration settings will only be displayed and available if you are a Portal administrator and can be accessed through the Set app configuration level settings in the left-side navigation bar. You can also access these settings by clicking the profile drop-down in the upper corner and clicking App settings. 

Configure general app settings

You can configure the general settings using the following workflows.

Change the theme

A Portal administrator can choose to change the Default Theme, which is set to Dark Theme by default. To change the Default Theme: 

  1. Click the theme drop-down and select the desired theme.
  2. The Default Theme will take effect the next time the application is launched.

Users can override the default theme from the Viewing Mode of their user settings.

Change the default start page

A Portal administrator can also change the Default Start Page, which is set to the Connect View by default. To change the Default Start Page: 

  1. Click the start drop-down and select the desired theme.
  2. The Default Start Page will take effect the next time the application is launched.

Users can override the default start page in the Start Page of their user settings.

Configure ArcGIS Video Server settings

If a ArcGIS Video Server is installed and federated in the environment in which Excalibur is running, a Portal administrator can configure specific settings that directly impact the Video Server. If no Video Server is identified, these settings will not be available.  

Register ArcGIS Data Store

A Portal administrator can register an existing ArcGIS Object Data Store to the Video Server. The ArcGIS Hosted Object Data Store is a data management system for streaming web-optimized video content and metadata. To optionally register an existing ArcGIS Object Data Store to the Video Server:

  1. Click Register Hosted Data Store.
  2. Click Register in the dialog to confirm.

Set active data store

Once an ArcGIS Object Data Store has been registered with the Video Server, a portal administrator can set this Object Data Store as the active data store on the Video Server. All video and associated video service metadata files will be stored in the active data store. By default, the ArcGIS Video Server used the filesystem to store these files. To set the active data store on the Video Server: 

Once a data store using ArcGIS Data Store has been registered with the video server, you can set it as the active data store for all video and metadata files. To set the active data store, follow these steps:

  1. Click the data store drop-down and select the desired data store.
  2. Click Set as Active in the dialog to confirm.

Set the elevation source

The elevation source is an ArcGIS Imagery Layer containing elevation data sources. The layer must be registered as an item in the system. The elevation source layer is used in computing the ground coverage area of your published video layers. Using an elevation source increases the accuracy of the video frame footprints, but it is not required. To set the elevation source:

  1. Input the Portal Item ID of the ArcGIS Imagery Layer you would like to use as the elevation source.
  2. Click Save.

Set the maximum upload file size

A Portal administrator can set the maximum upload file size for a single file when uploading video content during the publishing process. The default maximum upload size is 5 GB and can be increased up to 10 GB. Setting the maximum upload size to 0 will disallow uploaded files from being saved on the server and will prevent publishing video layers by file uploads. To set the maximum upload file size: 

  1. Use the slider or input a value to the desired maximum upload file size.
  2. Click Update Max Upload File Size.