Use the 3D Products template

2023.2    |

Available with Advanced license.

The 3D Products template is designed to create detailed 3D colorized point clouds and 3D textured meshes. Follow the steps below to process a sample 3D mapping project.


The 3D Product template provides the following output product options and formats:

  • Point cloud— SLPK, LAS
  • DSM textured mesh— SLPK, DAE, OBJ, OSGB, 3D Tiles
  • 3D textured mesh— SLPK, DAE, OBJ, OSGB, 3D Tiles


3D templates and products are available with a Drone2Map Advanced license.

Download sample data

Sample data for the 3D Mapping template can be found on the sample data page. For the 3D Mapping template, a collection of images over an office park in Germany is available. To download the sample data, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the sample data page.
  2. In the 3D Mapping table, click Download.
  3. Extract the file to a convenient location on your computer.

Create a project

To create your 3D Mapping project, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Drone2Map.
  2. Sign in using your ArcGIS Online organization credentials.
  3. Provide a name for your project and choose a location where you'll save it, or accept the default.
  4. Click Add Images or Add Folder and browse to the location of the sample images folder, select the folder or images within the folder, and click OK.
  5. Select the 3D Products template and click Create to create the project.
  6. On the Home tab, click Options.
  7. Click the 3D Products tab. In the Create Point Clouds section, ensure SLPK and LAS are checked. In the Create DSM Textured Meshes section, ensure SLPK is checked. Optionally, check additional format options to generate more products. Click OK.
  8. Click Start to begin processing.

View the results

When processing is complete, your 3D mesh and point cloud are added to your 3D Map and Contents pane. If necessary, change your view to the 3D Map by clicking the 3D Map tab at the top of your map display. The Point Cloud layer will initially appear disabled in the Contents pane.

View the office park images by using the left mouse button to pan, the wheel button to zoom in and out, and X+left mouse button to tilt and rotate the display.