Share a scene layer

2023.2    |

With Drone2Map, you can create a scene layer package from the 3D textured mesh. In addition to viewing the layer in Drone2Map, you can share it as a scene layer in ArcGIS Online or your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. A scene layer is composed of three-dimensional mesh objects and includes z-values (elevation values).

Share your items

You have the following options for sharing your items, depending on your sharing privileges:

  • Your organization—Sharing with your organization means only members of your organization have access to your item.
  • Groups to which you belong—If you are a member of a group, you can share your item with that group. Sharing with specific groups restricts access to a smaller, more focused set of people.
  • Everyone—Sharing with everyone makes your item public; anybody who has access to the portal website or ArcGIS Online, including anonymous users, can find and use it, and group owners can include it in their group content.
  • Everyone, your organization, and groups to which you belong—You can share your item with a larger audience (for example, everyone and your organization) and also share it with a specific group. This allows you to categorize your item as especially relevant to a particular group while still making it available to others in your organization.

This process creates and stores a scene layer package in your account. If you're sharing to an ArcGIS Online organizational account, service credits apply.

Publish your scene

To publish your textured mesh as a scene layer, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Share tab, in the Share As group, click Scene Layer Scene Layer.
  2. Check the layers you want to share. You can share the following scene types:
    • Point cloud (SLPK)
    • SLPK Mesh
  3. Click the Properties tab at the top of the share pane. Check or uncheck the option for the scene layer to be shared as a Global Scene.

    Scene layers can be shared in the project coordinate system by unchecking the Global Scene option. When sharing as a local scene, Esri basemap layers will not work, as they are intended to be used with the WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system and do not project on the fly.

  4. Give your scene layers a Title.
  5. If adding to a web catalog, check the Add portal item to web catalog check box.

    A web catalog must exist for the project before layers can be added to it. A new web catalog can be created by clicking the Create new web catalog button Browse. For more information on working with catalog datasets, see Use catalog datasets.

  6. Optionally, choose a Folder to share your features, provide a Description, and update the Tags.
  7. Check the appropriate groups for sharing your scene layers.
  8. Click Share.