Use the Thermal template

2023.1    |

The Thermal template is designed to create orthomosaics using imagery from a thermal sensor and digital elevation models.


Thermal processing in ArcGIS Drone2Map is only intended for 2D products.

Create a project

To create a thermal image mapping project, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Drone2Map.
  2. Sign in using your ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS credentials.
  3. Provide a name for your project and choose a location to save it, or accept the default.
  4. Click Add Images or Add Folder and browse to the location of the sample images folder, select the folder or images in the folder, and click OK.

    Drone2Map currently supports thermal imagery in radiometric JPEG format and thermal bands from multispectral cameras.

  5. Select the Thermal template and click Create to create the project.
  6. On the Home tab, click Options. Notice on the Adjust Images tab, the Refine Adjustment box is checked.
  7. Click 2D Products to ensure the orthomosaic product is enabled. Click OK to accept the default settings.
  8. Click Start to begin processing.

View the results

When processing is complete, the thermal orthomosaic product is added to your map display and the Contents pane. A color ramp and temperature scale in degrees Celsius is automatically applied. View the imagery by panning and zooming around the map.