Work with project templates

2023.1    |

Use project templates to quickly create projects based on the types of products required to support your workflow.

Default project templates

The following default project templates are available in ArcGIS Drone2Map:

Project templateOutputExample usage


  • True Ortho
  • Orthomosaic
  • Digital surface model
  • Digital terrain model

  • Create a reduced-resolution True Ortho, orthomosaic, or digital elevation model.
  • Quickly verify that your drone collection was successful.
  • Minimum settings are applied in processing options.

2D Products

  • True Ortho
  • Orthomosaic
  • Digital surface model
  • Digital terrain model
  • NDVI

  • Create 2D products that are ready for use in ArcGIS.
  • Perform measurements and volumetric analysis.
  • Share imagery as fast-performing tile layers.

3D Products

  • 3D point clouds
  • 3D textured meshes

  • Create 3D products that are ready for use in ArcGIS.
  • Visualize 3D data in scene view.
  • Share textured meshes as fast-performing scene layers.


  • Image viewer with source resolution imagery

  • Inspect buildings and infrastructure.
  • View drone imagery in its source resolution.
  • Quickly view imagery of an object from all angles.


  • Output products are determined by each project in the batch process.

  • Process multiple projects in sequence.
  • Prioritize projects to finish first.
  • Create different products per project.


  • Orthomosaic
  • Digital surface model
  • Digital terrain model

  • Create multispectral products that are ready for analysis.
  • Use output multiband TIFF images to generate soil and vegetation indices (MSAVI, NDVI, SAVI, TSAVI, Green NDVI, and Red-Edge NDVI).
  • Share products as imagery layers to Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online.


  • Single-band orthomosaic
  • Digital surface model
  • Digital terrain model

  • Create thermal orthomosaics that are ready for analysis.
  • Monitor temperature trends to gain insights on infrastructure or agricultural health.
  • Share imagery as fast-performing tile layers.


  • Can be configured for any ArcGIS Drone2Map product

  • Allows iterative work using the identical project settings.
  • Allows multiple flight projects over the same area at different times.

Export as a template

You can export your own templates to create projects based on recurring workflows and processing options. To export a custom template, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ribbon, on the Home tab, in the Processing group, click Options Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, configure the settings and options on each tab.
  3. Click Export Template.
  4. Choose a location, name the template, and click Save.

Import a template

To import a custom template, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Drone2Map. Alternatively, if you have a project open, click the Project tab on the ribbon and click the New option.
  2. Below the image information table, click the Browse to Template button Import Template.
  3. Browse to the saved template file and open it.
  4. Follow the steps in Create a project.