Introduction to Land Use Outreach

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Land Use Outreach can be used to share development regulations, construction activity, and solicit feedback on current land cases from the public.

It provides 24/7 access to an organization and streamlines the development process. The inclusive approach increases public trust, reduces the need to attend meetings in person, and helps government agencies harness feedback from the public to make better decisions about development in the community. Land Use Outreach is typically implemented by planning departments, public work agencies, and other local government agencies that want to increase transparency and encourage public participation.

The Land Use Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share land use, zoning and other (for example, floodplain) regulations, generate awareness about permitted construction activity, and engage the public when new developments are proposed.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

Deploy the solution

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Land Use Outreach requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Hub Premium

Information products

Land Use Outreach includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Land Use Inquiry

An Instant Apps app used by the general public, developers, and real estate professionals to identify land use and zoning designations that impact the use of land

Not required

Floodplain Inquiry

An Instant Apps app used by the general public, land development companies, and real estate professionals to locate parcels impacted by FEMA floodplain boundaries

Not required

Construction Activity Tracker

An Instant Apps app used by the general public to track individual building permits and general construction activity

This app is configured to use the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service to find addresses. This capability consumes credits.

Not required

Public Comment

An ArcGIS Hub site used by the general public and other interested parties to review land use cases or capital projects and submit feedback on a given case or project

Not required

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

3.0 (Nov 2024)
  • The LandUseCases feature layer has been removed because it is no longer used in the Public Comment map.
  • A new Public Comment ArcGIS Hub site has replaced the Public Comment app because the Crowdsource Polling configurable app template will be deprecated in June 2025.
  • The Land Use Inquiry map has been updated to include Arcade expressions that intersect the TaxParcel layer centroid with all the land use layers to display land use and zoning designations.
  • The Land Use Inquiry app search type has been updated to support the updated Land Use Inquiry map.
  • The Construction Activity Tracker app has been updated so information in the pop-up and side panel is not duplicated. Also, the app now includes additional search options, and the zoom scale has been set to zero so that the app will zoom to the address, application, or permit number typed into the search field.
  • The LandUseCases layer has been removed from the solution and no longer appears in the Public Comment map.
2.0 (Nov 2023)
  • A new Land Use Inquiry app using the Zone Lookup Instant Apps.
  • A new Floodplain Inquiry app using the Basic Instant Apps.
  • A new Construction Activity Tracker app using the Nearby Instant Apps.
  • A new Public Comment app theme with new colors.
  • New maps with updated basemaps and symbology.
  • A new Tax Parcel feature layer and Tax Parcel_public hosted feature layer view.
1.0 (Nov 2020)
  • First release of Land Use Outreach