The Lead Service Line Inventory solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory lead service lines, validate service line materials in the field, monitor replacement activities and regulatory compliance, capture water sample information, and share information with the public.
Understand service line symbology
Lead Service Line Inventory has been created with multiattribute symbology to display both utility-owned and customer-owned service line information. The left side of the symbol always represents a utility-owned service line and the right side represents a customer-owned service line. This symbology cannot be easily changed once the solution is deployed and is best left as designed. The symbology is broken down into four color categories that represent the lead service line status.
The lead status categories are as follows:
- Red—Lead
- Yellow—Galvanized Requiring Replacement
- Blue—Non-Lead
- Gray—Unknown
The legend includes the combinations of all of these options as shown in the image below.
In addition to the multiattribute symbology, the lead service line point includes a label that identifies unverified lead service lines with a dot. The dot will be located on either the utility side, the customer side, or both sides of the symbol depending on whether the service lines have been verified in the field. The image below shows the various configurations of unverified lead service line points.
Manage service line inventory
Water utilities are tasked with completing an inventory of their water systems to ensure there are no lead pipes present in their systems. These workflows provide various ways to collect and document the lead service line information.
Add lead service line points
Lead information can be stored in various forms, such as tap cards, paper maps, or other digital assets. These sources of information should be added to a single repository to ensure a complete inventory of lead service lines can be maintained.
As an editor, you want to use a web app to add lead service line status information to the map.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- At the top of the site, click Groups.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Editors group and locate the Lead Service Line Editor app. Click View to launch the app.
In the Lead Service Line Editor app, the Edit tab is open by default.
- In the editing pane, click the Service Line template to select it and click the desired location to add it on the map.
- You are prompted to update attributes and click Save. The Utility Status and Customer Status fields are required and the Entire Service Line Status field is automatically calculated from those two fields.
- Continue adding Service Line points, as needed.
Conduct field inventory
In many cases, a field assessment of existing service line assets may be the most efficient way to develop a lead service line inventory. The information collected in the field can then be used to inform service line replacement and maintenance programs.
You will assume the role of a mobile worker in a water utility. In this workflow, you will use ArcGIS Field Maps to collect lead service line information.
- Open the ArcGIS Field Maps app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Open the Lead Service Line Field Editor.
- Browse to the collection location.
- Tap Add
If the point is added to the wrong location, or you want to move the point manually, move the crosshairs to the correct location by panning the map and tapping Update Point. This moves the added point to the specified location. - Fill in any attributes and tap Submit.
Ensure the following attributes are filled out, as they drive some of the dashboard indicators.
- Entire Service Line Status
- Utility Side Verified, Customer Side Verified
- Replacement Status
Monitor inventory
Understanding how many lead service lines there are and progress on replacing identified lead service lines is important information that needs to be readily accessible. It may also be necessary to provide to regulators, so it is helpful to have a quick view of important metrics. Having a quick view of all of the key metrics related to lead service lines allows executives and managers to gain an understanding of their water system and lead mitigation efforts.
As a member of the utility, you want to have a comprehensive view of lead service lines in the water system. The dashboard includes a mix of charts, gauges, and elements to report on the presence of lead in the water system.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Office Viewers group and locate the Lead Service Line Dashboard app. Click Open Dashboard to launch the dashboard.
- Review the brief descriptions of the included indicators to learn more about them.
- Lead—The indicator represents the total number of lead service lines.
- Galvanized—The indicator represents the total number of galvanized service lines requiring replacement.
- Non-Lead—The indicator represents the total number of non-lead service lines.
- Unknown—The indicator represents the total number of unknown service lines.
- Verified Service Lines—The gauge represents the total number of verified service lines. The number in the middle of the gauge represents the number of verified service lines and the number at the end of the gauge represents the total number of service lines in the system.
- Lead Service Line Inventory Table—The table contains all of the fields from the EPA's template for reporting a lead service line inventory.
- Replaced—The indicator represents the total number of replaced lead service lines.
The following table shows which fields are being used to drive the results of this element. These must be fully filled in to accurately show the lead service line information.
Element name | Fields used |
Lead | Entire Service Line Status |
Galvanized | Entire Service Line Status |
Non-Lead | Entire Service Line Status |
Unknown | Entire Service Line Status |
Verified Service Lines | Utility Side Verified, Customer Side Verified |
Replaced | Replacement Status |
Export service line data
As the lead compliance manager, I need to report the water system's service line inventory to comply with regulations.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Lead Service Line Dashboard.
- Click Open Dashboard to launch the dashboard.
- In the bottom corner, click the Download data icon.
The csv with the service line data downloads to a .CSV file.
- Optionally, after exporting to the CSV copy and paste the data into the EPA's Inventory Template. The fields, field order, and values are identical to those found in the template. Ignore the last 4 fields of the export (globalid, objectid, x, y)
Manage service line replacements
Water utilities need an inventory of their assets in order to proceed with lead mitigation efforts. Managers need to have a clear understanding of what service lines are at risk for lead, whether lines have been inspected by field technicians, or if they have been replaced due to lead.
You will assume the role of a manager in a water utility. In this workflow, you want to use a web app to update common replacement fields such as Replacement Status, Scheduled Replacement Date, and Replacement Date.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- At the top of the site, click Groups.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Managers group and locate the Lead Service Line Replacement Manager app. Click View to launch the app.
Upon opening the app, a filter is turned on to only show those service lines with a replacement status of Needs Replacement or Scheduled Replacement. To view service lines with a replacement status of Doesn't Need Replacement or Replaced, click the Filters tab and check them on.
- To update records, check on the box next to the record in the table.
- Review its attributes in the Information panel and click the Edit button.
- Update the Replacement Status, schedule or add a replacement date, and optionally add a notification record to capture communication with the water customer.
- Click Update.
Monitor service line replacements
As a member of the utility, you want to have a comprehensive view of service line replacements. The dashboard includes a mix of charts, lists, and elements to monitor the submissions.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Office Viewers group and locate the Lead Service Line Replacement Dashboard. Click Open Dashboard to launch the dashboard.
- Review the brief descriptions of the included elements to learn more about them.
- Service Lines—The list displays service lines in the water system. Click a Service Line to view its Replacement Details, Notifications, and location on the Map.
- Replacement Details—The details pane displays replacement information from the service line.
- Notifications—The notifications pane displays the instances customers were notified by the utility, specifically related to replacement activities.
- Needing Repalcement—The indicator represents the number of service lines needing replacement.
- Repalced—The indicator represents the total number of service lines replaced.
- Map—The map displays the location of service lines symbolized by the replacement status.
Manage lead sampling
Water utilities need to annually sample water service lines for lead and other contaminants. Managers need to have a clear understanding of which service lines are in compliance, and which service lines are above the action level.
You will assume the role of a manager in a water utility. In this workflow, you want to use a web app to add and update service lines designated as sampling sites.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- At the top of the site, click Groups.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Managers group and locate the Lead Service Line Sampling Manager app. Click View to launch the app.
Upon opening the app, a filter is turned on to only show those service lines designated as a Sample Site. To view all service lines, click the Filters tab and check the filter off.
- To update records, check on the box next to the record in the table.
- Review its attributes in the Information panel and click the Edit button.
- Add or update the the record, and optionally add a notification record to capture communication with the water customer about the sampling.
- Click Update.
Monitor lead sampling
As a member of the utility, you want to have a comprehensive view of service line sampling.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Office Viewers group and locate the Lead Service Line Sampling Dashboard. Click Open Dashboard to launch the dashboard.
- Review the brief descriptions of the included elements to learn more about them.
- Sample Sites—The list displays sample sites in the water system. Click a Sample Site to view its Sample Details, Notifications, and location on the Map.
- Sample Details—The details pane displays sampling information from the service line. Sample sites above the action level are highlighted in red.
- Notifications—The notifications pane displays the instances customers were notified by the utility, specifically related to sampling activities.
- Lead Samples—The indicator represents the number of samples taken year to date.
- Average Lead Levels—The indicator represents the average lead levels across the water system year to date.
- Samples Above Action Level-The indicator represents the number of sample sites above the action level year to date.
- Total Sample Sites-The indicator represents the total number of sample sites in the water system.
- Map—The map displays the location of service lines symbolized by the replacement status.
Engage the public
Communicating lead service line information helps residents locate their properties and allows them to learn if their property may be affected by lead. The Lead-Safe Community site can be used to communicate lead service line information to residents in the community. It also includes a link to the Water Service Line Material Survey which allows residents to report the material of their water service lines, allowing water utilities to better understand their water systems and make improvements to eliminate lead pipes within their water systems.
Locate service line information
You will assume the role of a resident or member of the public. In this workflow, you are interested in locating an address to find more information about lead service lines.
- In a browser, go to the Lead-Safe Community site.
- Scroll to the Lead Service Line Map section.
- In the app, use the Search text box to enter an address and click Enter.
Suggestions are presented as you type and you are able to choose the address from the search results.
- If a Lead Service Line point isn't selected automatically from the Search, click the point to view a pop-up with more information.
Submit a water service line material survey
You will assume the role of a resident who is interested in submitting water line material information for their property.
- In a browser, go to the Lead-Safe Community site.
- Click the Water Service Line Material Survey link to open the survey.
- In the Water Service Line Material Survey form, enter your personal information, water service line information and a photo of your water line service.
- Click Submit, to submit your survey.
Manage water service line surveys
As water utilities work to eliminate all lead in their water lines, they need the help of the public to report their water service line material to aid in this effort. Water utilities need to complete a full inventory of their system and public surveys can ensure that utilities are capturing possible lead service line locations. This information can help water utilities organize lead replacement campaigns and plan service line replacement.
You will assume the role of a manager tasked with managing and reviewing water service line surveys.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- At the top of the site, click Groups.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Managers group and locate the Service Line Self-Assessment Manager app. Click View to launch the app.
The app opens and shows a list of surveys as well as a map and a panel to view additional survey details. The table is filtered to only show records with a status of Submitted. To view completed submissions, click Filters and check the box next to Completed.
- To view a submission's details and update it's attributes, check on the box next to the submission record.
- Review its details and the attached photo.
- Open Lead Service Line Editor and update the Customer Material, Customer Status, and any other attributes related to the customer submission.
- Back in the Service Line Self-Assessment Manager app, with the same submission record checked on, click the Edit button. Update the status to Completed and provide the Completed On date.
Monitor water service line surveys
As a member of the utility, you want to have a comprehensive view of customer survey submissions. The dashboard includes a mix of charts, lists, and elements to monitor the submissions.
- Browse to the Lead Service Line Office Viewers group and locate the Service Line Self-Assessment Dashboard. Click Open Dashboard to launch the dashboard.
- Review the brief descriptions of the included elements to learn more about them.
- Submissions—The list displays submissions from the Water Service Line Material Survey. Click a Submission to view its Submission Details.
- Submission Details—The details pane displays information from the customer submission.
- Submission Status—The pie chart represents the percentage of completed submissions vs. submissions that have not been completed.
- Total Submissions—The indicator represents the total number of customer submissions.
- Map—The map displays the location of the customer submissions symbolized by the submission status.