Configure Special Event Permitting and Operations

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |    |  

The ArcGIS Solutions app can be used to deploy the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution in your ArcGIS organization. After deploying the solution, configure it to meet specific needs in your organization, and load your data if needed.

Extend an event permit survey

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed in order to work with the solution.

The Special Event Permitting and Operations solution includes a survey that can be used by event organizers to apply for a special event permit. Review the preconfigured questions and adjust as necessary to remain in compliance with your organizational policies. In addition, ensure that you secure the survey and underlying layers and only share the content with appropriate members of your organization.

Modify event permit survey

To modify the Special Event Permit survey, complete the following steps:

  1. Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  2. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Click Special Event Permit to download the survey.
  4. Click Special Event Permit again to open the survey.
  5. In the left pane, click Open XLSForm Spreadsheet.
  6. In the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab. This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.
  7. Revise the survey to reflect your special event permit needs.
  8. Save the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  9. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, click Publish in the left pane to publish your changes.

On the Download Surveys page, click Download to view your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.

Notify reviewers

The Special Event Permit Review app allows departmental reviewers to provide input on each event. The Special Event Permit Manager has a button that opens an email to send to these reviewers. Often these reviewers are the same for every event, so rather than typing the same emails for each departmental reviewer every time an event is ready for review, you can populate the email so it always includes their email addresses.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Content and browse to the folder where you deployed the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution.
  3. Search for the Special Event Permit Manager web map and open it.
  4. In the layer list, highlight Special Event Permits, click the more options button, and click Pop-ups.
  5. Under Attribute Expressions, scroll down to Notify Reviewers Email Link.
  6. Find the following line of code: var emailRecipient = ""
  7. Enter the email addresses of the reviewers separated by semicolons between the empty quotation marks.
  8. Click Done to close the Arcade window.
  9. Click Save to save the Special Event Permit Manager.
  10. Click Content and browse to the folder where you deployed the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution.
  11. Search for the Special Event Permit Manager app and open it.
  12. Find an event that has the Status parameter set to Under Review and Site Map Complete set to Yes.
  13. Click the Notify Reviewers button. Verify that the emails are now populated as part of the email.

Add event assets

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed in order to work with the solution.

The Special Event Permitting and Operations solution includes several layers that can be used to locate event assets and develop health and public safety plans. These layers include several domains to help you get started with the event permitting and planning process. Each of these domains can be configured to include any additional features you want to capture.

To add a new event asset and update the symbology, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Content and browse to the folder where you deployed the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution.
  3. Search for SpecialEventAssets and open the item details page.
  4. Click the Data tab, then click Fields and click Event Asset Type.
  5. Next to List of Values, click Edit.
  6. Add your additional asset types and click Save.
  7. Click the Visualization tab.
  8. In the Layers panel, for each layer click Edit Layer Style and update the style for each new asset you added to the list.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 and update the style for SpecialEventAssets_approved and SpecialEventAssets_operations.

You can use the same steps to modify the SafetyPlanning and HealthSafetyPlanning layers and associated views.

Configure the Promoting Special Events site

The Special Event Permitting and Operations solution includes the Promoting Special Events ArcGIS Hub site. This site can be configured with your organization's branding and used to share event information with the public.

Update with organizational information

After deploying the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution, the Promoting Special Events Hub site layout requires a few updates to fit your local context.

To update the site with your organizational information, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Promoting Special Events site.
  2. From the item page, click Configure.
  3. Scroll to any sections that you want to update, hover over the card, and click the edit pencil Edit that appears in the horizontal toolbar, and then edit the content with information specific to your organization.
  4. In the side panel, click Footer.

    A custom footer is provided. In most cases, you will need to update it with your organization's branding, contact information, and social media references.

  5. Click the HTML box.

    The HTML window appears.

  6. Make the necessary changes and click Apply.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Save drop-down arrow and click Publish Draft.

Enable public data collection

The Special Event Permitting and Operations solution includes a survey form that allows event organizers and sponsors to apply for a community or special event permit. The SpecialEvents feature layer needs to be made accessible to the public to allow the Special Event Permit app survey to work.

To enable public data collection, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Promoting Special Events site.
  2. Click Content and browse to the folder where you deployed the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution.
  3. Search for the SpecialEvents feature layer and open the View item details page.
  4. Click the Settings tab. Turn on Public Data Collection by checking the box.
  5. Click Save.

Share items with the public

Several layer views, maps, and apps included in the Special Event Permitting and Operations solution must be shared with everyone so they can be accessed by the public on the Promoting Special Events site.

To share items with the public, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Special Event Permitting and Operations folder.
  2. Next to each of the following items, check the check box:

    NameItem type

    Special Event Site Map Viewer

    Web mapping app

    Special Event Calendar

    Web Experience

    Special Event Permit


    Special Event Site Map Viewer

    Web map

    Special Event Calendar

    Web map


    Feature layer (hosted)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)

    Promoting Special Events

    Hub Site Application

    Promoting Special Events

    Hub Initiative

  3. Click Share.
  4. In the Share window, click Everyone (public) and click Save.

    The Warning: Sharing editable layers publicly message appears notifying you that you are sharing editable layers publicly.

  5. Click Update.

Create After Action app

Incident commanders are responsible for the health and safety of participants during an event. The Special Event After Action app provides useful visualization tools to see both how incidents occurred and how field personnel responded. This information can be used to further examine specific incidents and help plan for future events.

Follow the workflow below to create a unique Special Event After Action app for your event.

Follow the steps below create a unique track view of your event.

  1. Open a new map project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization account within ArcGIS Pro .
  3. Search for the <Event Name Date>_trackview and add the track view to the map.

    If you have many field personnel over an extended period of time then, you may have a large number of tracks and want to change the maximum number of records returned.

  4. Select the track view you added to the map and export the data from the track view into a new layer.
  5. Publish the new layer as a service in your ArcGIS organization and name it <Event Name Date> - Tracks.

Follow the steps below create a Special Event After Action web map to use in the After Action app.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS organization and navigate to the Special Event After Action web map item.
  2. Open in Map Viewer the Special Event After Action web map.
  3. Add the layer you published in the previous workflow to the map.
  4. Change the style of the layer and symbolize by the Full Name field.
  5. Add the layer assignments layer named the <Event Name Date> - Assignments to the map.
  6. Change the style of the layer and symbolize by the report type field using the public safety category.
  7. Remove the Report Type layer from the map.
  8. Save the Special Event After Action map with a new same for example, Special Event After Action - Event Name.

Follow the steps below create a Special Event After Action app for your event.

  1. In your ArcGIS organization, navigate to the Special Event After Action app item and Edit Application.
  2. Choose the triangle button, next to Save, and choose Save As.
  3. Choose a name for the app for example, Special Event After Action - <Event Name>.
  4. Choose Map, Choose web map, then choose the map you created in the previous workflow.
  5. Choose Widget, Set the widgets in this controller, Group Filter widget, and then choose OK.
  6. Add each layer of the map to the widget and choose the Event Identifier field as the filter.
  7. Click on Header Controller then choose the After Action Report widget and update the layer to the <Event Name Date> - Assignments.
  8. Staying in the Header Controller, choose the Find Personnel widget and update the layer to the <Event Name Date> - Tracks.
  9. Save and then Launch the application.

The application is a historical archive of the special event and can be used to animate assignments and track locations. Repeat this workflow for each event.